

The Study on Some Legal Issues Concerning the Direct Flight Across Taiwan Straits

【作者】 刘海鹰

【导师】 崐傅成;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 实现跨台湾海峡的航空直航是两岸“三通”的重要内容,也是未来两岸交流的重点和热点所在,但航空直航在实现和实施的过程中面临着两岸航空法及相关法律法规之间冲突较大、有关国际公约适用性及约束力不足、缺乏一完备的双边航空运输协定等法律问题,现有的法律框架和解决机制无法有效应对未来两岸航空直航中产生的诸多法律问题和纠纷。本文通过对相关法律文件的比较研究和两岸航空交往现状的分析,提出了若干解决航空直航法律问题的意见和方案。本文正文部分共分为四章。第一章首先介绍了海峡两岸航空直航的现状并分析了影响直航的若干现实因素,其中对影响直航的法律因素的分析中介绍了两岸航空直航的亟待解决的法律问题及现有的相关两岸法律文件。第二章前半部分着重于对两岸现行航空法进行分析比较,后半部分分析了航空法领域的相关国际公约、航空自由化和开放天空政策以及世界贸易组织的《航空运输服务附件》等;这些法律文件和规定是解决航空直航法律问题的起点、基础和借鉴,同时提出两岸的航空法应做出适当调整以适应未来两岸直航之需要。第三章在以上分析基础上,对于未来两岸航空直航中涉及的主要法律问题分为公法、私法和法律技术规范三个方面加以分析和探讨解决机制,提出建立海峡两岸共同航空区(CCAA)的构想并在此框架下以两岸共同航空区协定和区际法律冲突的原则逐步解决上述问题,以推动两岸实际直航和自由贸易区概念在航空服务领域内的逐步实现,此外本章还对未来直航的航线走向等具体技术规范问题加以尝试安排。在以上研究的基础上,本文第四章提出现阶段下两岸航空运输协定草案,该草案结合了国际民航组织的航空协定法律规范和本文提出的共同航空区构想,以达到消除障碍、实现直航和业内自由竞争、互利共赢的目的。

【Abstract】 The direct flight across Taiwan Straits is an important part of the process of communion and amalgamation between Mainland China and Taiwan. However the conflicts of the current aviation law of two regions, the restriction of the applicability of conventions by ICAO or WTO and the absence of a bilateral air transport agreement result in many legal problems to be settled. This article puts forward some advices and settlement schemes by comparing the active aviation law and analyzing the current situation of air transport between the Mainland and Taiwan.This article consists of four chapters besides the preface and conclusion.Chapter 1 introduces the current situation of the direct flight across the Taiwan Strait and some correlative factors (in the aspects of economics, politics and legal affairs).The aviation law and relevant legal instruments of Mainland and Taiwan are compared in Chapter 2. This chapter will also introduce and expound some major conventions made by ICAO, The Liberalization and“Open Skies”Policy in international air transport and WTO General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. All these legal instruments and conventions will be the basis and references for the settlement of cross-strait problems and disputes.And then, Chapter 3 will analyze in detail the legal problems regarding to the direct flight across Taiwan Straits in the aspects of public law, private law and technical issues. A new settlement scheme with the idea of the construction of Cross-strait Common Aviation Area (CCAA) will be brought forward afterwards. The major legal problems about the direct flight across Taiwan Straits such as the legal definition of the direct flight, the exchange of traffic rights and other relevant problems will be discussed and settled within the framework of CCAA and inter-regional conflict of laws. At the end of this chapter, there will be a plot of FIR/ADIZ and a blue print of the cross-strait flight route.In Chapter 4, a draft of the bilateral Air Transport Agreement between Mainland and Taiwan will be put forward, this agreement embodies the concept of CCAA while conform with ICAO regulations and the principle of active bilateral air transport agreements.

【关键词】 海峡两岸航空直航法律问题
【Key words】 Taiwan StraitDirect FlightLegal issues
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.296
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】308

