Study on "Significant Trade Diversion" of Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism
【作者】 王炜;
【导师】 肖伟;
【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法学, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 《中国加入世贸组织议定书》第16条“针对中国特定产品的过渡性保障机制”引入了“重大贸易转移”的概念,作为该过渡性保障机制的启动条件。由于重大贸易转移是一个崭新的概念,我国入世法律文件对相关内容又语焉不详,各成员对该制度的具体操作拥有极大的自由裁量权,“重大贸易转移”成为入世后我国外贸发展面临的一大阻碍。本文运用条约解释方法和比较分析方法对重大贸易转移进行了初步研究。目的在于明晰重大贸易转移的认定标准,揭示重大贸易转移的制度特点和本质,以为我国的应对提供一定指引。除引言和结语,全文共分四章。第一章介绍了“贸易转移”概念的经济学和法学渊源,并对两者的具体内涵进行了阐述。第二章首先对条约解释规则在重大贸易转移研究中的适用进行了初步阐述,然后以条约解释为工具,通过借鉴《保障措施协议》的规定以及相关WTO案例,对重大贸易转移的构成要件——“进口增加”、“因果关系”、“‘重大’标准”进行了阐释,一定程度上明确了重大贸易转移的认定标准。第三章运用比较分析的方法,将特保重大贸易转移与国际贸易中现存的贸易转移实践和特保机制的另一关键概念“市场扰乱”进行对比,进一步明晰了重大贸易转移的制度特点,并对其贸易保护工具的实质进行了剖析。第四章对几个主要国家的重大贸易转移国内立法进行了简要评析,并结合前文对该制度的分析,提出了我国的应对策略。
【Abstract】 Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China stipulates“significant trade diversion”as one qualification to startup the“transitional product-specific safeguard mechanism”of Article 16.“Significant trade diversion”is a wholly new concept. Contents of the legal documents of China’s accession are not so clear in this area. So other WTO members, as the imported country, have broad discretions over the conducting of this concept. Significant trade diversion mechanism has become an obstruction to the trade-development of our country. In order to ascertain the criterions of significant trade diversion, to reveal the nature of protectionism of this mechanism, and to present a guide for China to cope with the significant trade-diversion investigations against Chinese products by other WTO members, this paper conducts a pilot study on significant trade diversion. The paper is divided into 4 chapters except for Preface and Conclusion.Chapter 1 introduces the economic and legal resources of the concept of“trade diversion”, and explains the meanings thereof.Chapter 2 analyses the rules of interpretation of treaties and makes it clear that how they are used in the study of significant trade diversion, then analyses the criterions of significant trade diversion,“increase in imports”,“causal relationship”and“criterion of significance”, with these rules by resorting to the provisions of Agreement on Safeguards and cases of DSB.Chapter 3 compares significant trade diversion with“trade diversion”practices in international trade area and“market disruption”which is another key word of transitional product-specific safeguard mechanism, in order to reveal the characteristic and nature of protectionism of significant trade diversion.Chapter 4 introduces the national legislations of some WTO members, and makes a brief comment thereof, then proposes some countermeasures of our country.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
- 【分类号】D996.1
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】118