

Study on the Development Strategy of Foreign Banks in China

【作者】 谢婉

【导师】 陈荣奎;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 金融学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO后的5年里,外资银行加快了进入中国银行业的步伐并取得了可喜的成绩。2006年是中国完全对外开放金融市场前的最后一年,也是外资银行在华发展承前启后的关键时刻。本文就是以这样的背景为出发点来进行论述的。目前我国对于中外资银行发展问题的研究,大都立足于中资银行,分析中资银行存在的问题、与外资银行的差距及中资银行相应的对策。鉴于笔者在外资银行工作多年,亲身感受到近年来外资银行在业务拓展、机构设置、战略营销、人才吸纳等方面的变化及中国入世给外资银行带来的机遇与挑战,因而另辟蹊径,尝试以外资银行作为研究对象。本文的现实意义在于,如果站在外资银行的角度,可以为其寻求在华发展的理由,令外资银行的经营者清晰地了解自身所处的位置,以决定下一步的道路及未来的发展战略选择,这样的综合分析对于目前已经在华经营和将要在华经营的外资银行都具有一定的参考价值;站在中资银行的角度,本文亦可令其通过了解作为竞争对手及合作伙伴的外资银行的现状、优劣势和潜能,做到扬长避短,及时调整自身的定位和经营策略,以求在未来的长期竞争与合作的关系中处于不败的地位。本文第1章主要论述外资银行在华发展现状及趋势:随着中国逐步兑现对世界贸易组织的承诺,外资银行机构数量在增加,规模也在不断扩大。在后过渡期,外资银行通过设立分支机构和入股中资银行两种方式在华拓展业务。而由于地区经济发展水平不一致,决定了外资银行在我国地区分布失衡这一现状。同时,外资银行的组织结构呈现出具有较明显优势的集中化趋势。第2章从现有服务业FDI理论对银行业FDI解释的适用性分析出发,寻找外资银行在华发展相对于中资银行的优势和劣势。前者包括明晰的产权关系、良好的风险控制能力、先进的营销理念、突出的产品及业务创新能力等,后者则主要为有限的营业网点、中国政府在政策方面对中资银行的倾斜等。第3章从分析中、外资银行可能的争夺热点入手,通过理论结合实际的方法论证了双方在竞争中合作的收益要大于纯粹的竞争,继而总结出外资银行与中资银行进行合作的策略及具体业务,包括股权合作、技术合作、网点及资金方面的合作等。第4章着重于外资银行中期发展战略选择与实施。外资银行应充分发挥其现有优势,继续做强做大其优势业务包括个人银行业务、中间业务、网上银行业务等,并充分利用QDII拓展非利息收入空间。此外,推行全方位客户满意度的营销方式仍是外资银行抢占中国市场客户的主要策略之一。本文运用理论结合实例的方法,旨在对在华外资银行的发展历史、现状、竞争优势、劣势及未来可能采取的发展战略有较全面的阐述及剖析,最终得出结论:中外资银行应充分发挥各自优势,取长补短,在竞争中寻求合作,互相促进,达到真正的“双赢”。由于笔者才疏学浅,在理论的运用、论述的深度和广度方面难免有不尽人意之处,敬请各位前辈、老师和同学批评指正。

【Abstract】 While foreign banks have been participating in China for many years, they have been shackled with strict limitation on the number of branches they can set up and the type of business they can conduct. Nevertheless, during the 5 years after China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China is honoring its WTO commitment on opening the banking sector to a great extent while foreign banks have been benefiting from this with considerable achievements being made up to now. Full opening of China’s financial market to foreign financial institutions is expected after year 2006, a year so crucial to foreign banks that already have presences in China or intend to enter China market. Under such macro environment, this paper analyzes and summarizes the future development strategy of foreign banks in China.The practical significance of this paper lies in, from the viewpoint of foreign banks, the initiative for exploring business in China can be traced and the future development strategy can be referred; for domestic banks, this paper helps them to well position themselves and know better about their competitors so as to adjust or adopt proper countermeasures.The first chapter of this paper focuses on the existing development status and future development trend of foreign banks in China: the network is increasing to capture more market share of retail and corporate business, the business scale is enlarging with more stakes in local banks being acquired, the branch network is mainly distributed in cities or regions where economic growth are higher than average.The second chapter compares the advantages and disadvantages of foreign banks with those of domestic banks by applying the FDI theory of service into banking industry.The third chapter mentions about the competition and cooperation between foreign banks and domestic banks. Firstly, it summarizes the segments which might cause severe competition between them, such as recruitment of experienced staffs, exploration of good customers, promotion of non-interest income business, etc.; secondly, it reasons that cooperation between foreign banks and domestic banks is more important than competition by applying relevant theories and citing some examples.The fourth chapter discusses the mid-term development strategies of foreign banks in China and how will they enforce these strategies, that is, to focus on the business segments which foreign banks have much advantages in, such as personal banking, non-interest income business, etc. The just-launched QDII business will further pave the way for the mid-term development of foreign banks. In order to capture more local enterprises, the promotion method of“Customer Satisfaction”concerning quality service should be adopted by foreign banks as an on-going measure.In conclusion, with an aim to demonstrate the possible business strategy to be adopted by foreign banks in China, this paper tries to give a clear picture of the historical and current development of foreign banks, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both foreign banks and domestic banks by making use of the relevant theories and examples. In the long run, competition as well as corporation between these two parties will benefit the development of themselves and the development of the financial market of China as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】915

