

A Journey to Realize Dreams

【作者】 段亚男

【导师】 李明欢;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 社会学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 在当今世界上,伴随着全球化的进程,劳动力跨国流动的规模明显拓展。本文以跨国务工者为主要研究对象,追溯其“迁移——适应——回归”的旅程,解释其踏上跨国务工之旅的动因,描述其在异国他乡所经历的特殊的社会调适过程,并探讨其回归故乡后所发生的变化及面临的新问题。笔者采用个案研究的方法,将关注焦点集中于从东北江城前往朝鲜的务工者身上。他们怀着对美好生活的向往进入朝鲜,受雇于香港在朝鲜的投资者,从事酒店服务工作。该群体进入经济并不发达的朝鲜跨国务工,本身就具有特殊性,而更为特殊的是,在赴朝工作期间,该群体与朝鲜社会之间一直存在着一堵无形的隔离墙,他们每日生活于其中的是自己特有的江城务工者的小环境。这一环境是如何形成的?对务工者在朝鲜的生活及回归后的选择又产生了何种影响?笔者对此深感兴趣,并尝试加以解释。笔者认为,从梦想着出国打工赚钱,到真正踏出国门实践梦想,再到回归故乡后的反思与重新出发,体现了每个务工者对于实现人生价值的执着追求。但现实并非总能如人所愿。进入朝鲜之后,他们的经济追求在一定程度上得到回报,但在工作及生活环境方面,他们意外地被导入了一个十分封闭的小圈子,他们虽然工作在异国的土地上,却仍然生活在同在朝鲜打工的“自己人”中间,换言之,他们的圆梦之旅是在异国大环境中一个封闭的小环境中度过的。由于现实与梦想的差距,许多赴朝务工者对当初设定的发展轨道心生遗憾,最终选择回归故乡,通过设定新的发展规划,弥补尚未“衣锦”便已还乡的缺憾。梦想的实现令人兴奋,但未能实现的梦想却可能激发出更大的动力。江城赴朝务工者的经历,恰体现出迁移个体为追求个人梦想所做的不懈努力与尝试。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the development of globalization, there has been a sweeping flow of migrant workers in the world. Focusing on this phenomenon, this paper traces migrant workers’journey of“migration—adaptation—return”, explains their motivation, describes their special experiences of exotic life and adaptation, and discusses their changes and problems they face after returning home.Based on case studies, the writer focuses on the migrant workers from Jiangcheng, a city in the northeast of China. Hired by Hong Kong investors, those workers entered the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with wonderful dreams. They worked as waiters and waitresses in a hotel in Pyongyang. Going to work in the DPRK, which is underdeveloped, is beyond usual. And what’s more, when they were working in Pyongyang, there was always invisible isolation between them and the Korean society. The environment they lived in everyday is a special kind of small Chinese environment made by themselves. How does this environment take shape? Does it have any influence on the workers’life in the DPRK and the choices they made after returning home? This paper tries to explain the problems.The writer believes that dreaming of making money, these workers pursued their own values in terms of working abroad. When they returned home, they thought of the past deeply. But the reality does not always come up to one’s expectation. Although they were paid properly in the DPRK, they were led into isolated surroundings unexpectedly. They worked abroad indeed, however they still lived in a cycle of their own fellow workers. That is to say, the dream of living abroad is realized in a way of living in a closed small circle of their own rather than a real foreign environment. Due to the differences between their dreams and the realities, they felt regretful for the goal they had set up before, and finally they decided to go back home. They wanted to make up what they had lost by means of setting up a new goal. Realizing his dreams can excite one, but one can be greatly motivated by his failed dreams. The experiences of those migrant workers from Jiangcheng to the DPRK just show the persistent efforts they made to realize their own dreams.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】C913.9
  • 【下载频次】92

