

Study on the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Traditional Medicine

【作者】 陈凌

【导师】 丁丽瑛;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 传统医药是一个文化多样性和生物多样性交织的领域。近年来,传统医药的知识产权保护问题随着传统医药重要性的上升和生物盗版的猖獗引起了发展中国家的极大关注。我国与许多发展中国家一样面临传统医药商业化开发带来的知识产权问题,但我国法学界对这一问题的研究十分薄弱。本文在厘清传统医药概念、范畴及其与知识产权关系的基础上,采用比较分析的方法研究国外的传统医药保护制度,找寻其中的共性和差异,挖掘其中可供借鉴的成功和先进的经验,探索我国传统医药的知识产权保护制度。本文包括引言、主文和结论三部分,主文共四章,具体内容如下:第一章主要介绍了传统医药的定义、特征和范畴,并分析了传统医药知识产权保护问题提起的两个原因——传统医药重要性的上升和生物盗版的猖獗。第二章主要分析了传统医药与知识产权在制度和实践方面的冲突及其冲突的根源,并进一步分析了以知识产权保护传统医药的双重作用。第三章主要介绍了泰国、印度、老挝、菲律宾、厄瓜多尔及哥斯达黎加的传统医药保护制度,并采取比较分析的方法找寻其中的共性和差异。第四章对我国传统医药的知识产权保护制度进行探索,分别探讨了现有知识产权制度的调整适用和建立传统医药的特殊知识产权保护制度两种途径。

【Abstract】 Traditional Medicine is an overlapped field of cultural diversity and biodiversity. In recent years, with the rising importance of traditional medicine and the rampant biopiracy, a great deal of attention has been paid on the intellectual property rights protection of traditional medicine by developing countries. Like many other developing countries, China faces the intellectual property rights problem caused by commercial exploitation of traditional medicine, however, Chinese law circle’s research on this problem is still very weak. This article introduces the definition, category of traditional medicine and its link with intellectual property rights. This article also analyzes protection systems of traditional medicine in some foreign countries by using comparison analysis methods, points out the commonalities and differences between these systems, tries to find out some successful and advanced experiences and seeks the intellectual property rights protection system of traditional medicine in China.This article consists of three parts: preface, main text body and epilogue. There are four chapters in the main text body. They are as follows:Chapter One mainly introduces the definition, characteristics and category of traditional medicine, and analyzes two reasons which lead to the raise of the problem of intellectual property rights protection for traditional medicine—the rising importance of traditional medicine and the rampant biopiracy.Chapter Two analyzes the institutional and practical conflicts between traditional medicine and intellectual property rights, as well as the origin of the conflicts. Furthermore, the twofold effects of intellectual property rights on traditional medicine protection are analyzed.Chapter Three presents the protection systems of Thailand, India, Laos, Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica, points out the commonalities and differences between them based on comparison analysis methods.Chapter Four seeks the intellectual property rights protection system of traditional medicine in China and respectively discusses two ways——adjusting current intellectual property rights to traditional medicine and setting up a special

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】590

