

Research on Patent Infringement Liability of Internet Transaction Plat Provider

【作者】 臧晓飞

【导师】 王光贤;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 网络交易平台的基本特征决定了网络交易平台提供商在专利侵权过程中具有与直接发布商品信息的用户不同的法律地位,从而使其可能承担的侵权责任问题显得更加复杂。本文通过一个案例引申出目前网络交易平台提供商在网络交易中的法律地位和专利侵权责任的判定问题,具体分析了网络交易平台提供商承担责任的归责原则和承担责任的形式,介绍了国外的立法经验和司法实践,探讨了国外的立法趋势,介绍了我国目前的立法现状,同时提出建议以完善我国相关领域的立法。文中通过分析最后得出结论:网络交易平台提供商在网络交易中只为网络交易的双方提供了一个交易的平台,本身并不是网络交易的当事人;网络交易平台自行发布侵犯他人专利权的商品时,应当承担直接的侵权责任;网络交易平台提供商故意教唆、帮助其用户实施侵犯他人专利权的行为时,应当与该用户承担共同的侵权责任,并且应当承担连带责任;网络交易平台提供商对其平台上发布的商品信息可以控制、监督、做增删编辑的,如果有用户在平台上发布侵犯他人专利权的商品,网络交易平台提供商在经专利权人告知后仍不采取措施删除侵权商品的,应当对由此造成的损失的扩大承担责任;网络交易平台提供商拒不提供或者故意隐瞒被控侵权用户的资料和交易记录的,应当承担适当的侵权责任。

【Abstract】 The basic character of internet transaction plat results in that ITPP has different legal position with the internet users who directly upload the merchandise information during the process of patent infringement. So it seems to be more complicated to determine the infringement liability of ITPPThrough introducing a case, the paper leads to some problems including the legal position of ITPP in online transaction process and how to determine the infringement liability of patent. The paper determines what kind of infringement liability that ITPP should be accountable for. Meanwhile, the paper also gives some suggestions to perfect the legislation of the related areas through introducing the legislative and juridical experience of foreign countries.The paper finally reached the following conclusions: ITPP stands in neutrality and is not one of the parties in online transaction. If ITPP directly uploads the merchandise information which infringes other’s patent right, it should take on the direct infringement liability. When ITPP intentionally entices and helps the users to infringe other’s patent right, it should take on the joint and related infringement liability. If ITPP has the ability to control, supervise, or modify the merchandise information on the plat, when the patentee notifies that there is infringing merchandise on the plat, ITPP must delete the information concerned. If ITPP refuses to do so, it should be accountable for the extending of loss. If ITPP refuses to provide the materials and transaction record of the users, it should take on the liability.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】551

