

Study on Removal of Maganese by Fast Oxidation Using Metal Oxide Coated Fiber

【作者】 莫懿娉

【导师】 张振家;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在水污染日益严重的今天,地下水等重要水源中常含有过量的锰;由于铁性质与锰相近,铁锰往往同时存在,严重影响其使用价值。一方面,锰的过量摄入对人体有慢性毒害。另一方面,锰和铁异味大,还引起色度。除锰一直是一项重要的研究课题,人们已在这一领域取得不少成果。但锰氧化需要的氧化电位较高,难以完全被氧化分离去除,如何在极短时间内实现锰的高效去除使其符合现代社会的需要,仍是一个急需解决的问题。顺应膜处理这一新兴水处理技术的发展与普及,本文通过快速高效氧化处理与膜高效分离性能结合,试探索一条除锰的新路。通过对聚合纤维进行金属氧化物改性处理,利用其吸附、催化氧化等机能,实现次氯酸钠催化氧化和高锰酸钠强氧化下的快速除锰。试验证明改性纤维无需熟化即能达到甚至超过成熟锰砂的吸附效果,尤其对高锰浓度吸附更有优势。改性纤维中锰氧化物的含量与对锰吸附能力呈正比上升关系,但与铁的吸附量无关。改性纤维对铁的吸附要比锰快,吸附量也更大,在多离子条件下吸附具有选择性,吸附量依次为Fe>Mn>NH4-N>K。改性纤维的吸附等温线符合Freundlich吸附式,对锰的吸附符合单配位反应。改性纤维能提高次氯酸钠催化氧化锰去除率20倍,强氧化锰去除率20%。在催化氧化、强氧化除锰过程的影响分析基础上,证明了快速除锰的有效性和可行性。在催化氧化过程中,改性纤维上的锰氧化物起着MnO(OH)2自催化剂的作用和良好的吸附作用。通过添加改性纤维,能达到反应时间15s时锰去除率95%以上,铁去除率100%。铁锰同时存在时去除更

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the water pollution is so serious that vital water resource such as groundwater is polluted by Manganese; since Iron is similar with Manganese in characters, they always exist geological simultaneity which has strong negative impact on the application of water resource.The removal of Manganese is always a key issue and plenty of achievement has been accomplished. But because of the high oxidation potential from Manganese (sub 2) ion to Manganese oxide, it is quite hard to be completely oxidized so as to be removed. Therefore, how to remove Manganese in a very short reaction time in order to meet the demand of modern society is still an urgent task.Combining the membrane treatment– the sunrise technology in water treatment and high-efficiency oxidation, we try to find a new solution for the removal of Manganese.Metal oxide is coated on the polymeric fiber to produce metal oxide coated fiber (MOCF). With the adsorption and catalysis ability of MOCF, oxidant such as NaClO(in catalysis-oxidation), NaMnO4 and KMnO4(in strong oxidation) is dosed to realize removal of manganese in a few seconds.Without acclimatization, MOCF is proven to have equal even better adsorption capacity than mature Manganese-Sand, especially in high Manganese concentration. MOCF also have the selective adsorption ability in multi-ion raw water, with the adsorption capacity Fe>Mn> NH4-N>K. The sorption of Manganese obeys the Freundlich Sorption Isotherm, and acts as monodentate surface complex.MOCF can improve the removal rate of Manganese in catalysis- oxidation by 20 times, and that in strong oxidation by 20%; the flexibility

  • 【分类号】TU991.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】144

