

Data Processing, Organization, Management, Analyse and Application in Community Safety GIS

【作者】 熊自明

【导师】 王家耀;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 国际环境的变化,自然灾害的频繁发生以及恐怖主义活动日益猖獗,造成了城市严峻的安全与环境问题,并且已经严重影响和制约了城市经济发展和社会进步。目前大多数公共安全GIS系统都是针对一两种突发事件而建立的,由于整个城市系统的复杂性,仅仅依靠这些分散的系统是无法准确可靠地处理突发的公共安全事件的。因此,建立一个综合的公共安全GIS系统成为当务之急。 本文采用软件工程的设计思想,通过需求分析,设计了综合的公共安全GIS系统的软硬件体系结构和主要功能;从分析综合的公共安全GIS系统数据的特点入手,研究了综合的公共安全GIS中数据的预处理、组织管理和分析;并且开发了综合的公共安全GIS系统的一个应用实例——兰州市公共安全GIS系统进行实践。 本文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作: 1.设计了综合的公共安全GIS的体系结构和主要功能。 2.研究数据预处理过程,给出了关键技术和算法。 3.研究数据的组织和管理,按照新奥尔良(New Orleans)法对公共安全数据库进行了总体设计和具体设计。 4.探讨了空间数据的管理模式,给出了ArcSDE作为空间数据库引擎的空间数据的管理和访问方案。 5.研究了空间分析与公共安全事务的结合,通过建立风险分析计算模型和位置布设评价模型实现了公共安全规划功能,给出了应急自动调度功能的具体实现。 6.开发了应用实例进行实践。

【Abstract】 Changes in the international environment,the frequency of natural disasters and rampant terrorist activities,causing serious safety and environmental problems of urban,and has affected and restricted the economic development and social progress of urban severely. At present, most of the community safety GIS is established basing on one or two emergency,in our modern urban management,owing to the complexity of whole urban systems,we can not well and truly dispose gusty community safety affairs only based on these disperse systems,so,establishing an integrated community safety GIS becomes imperative.This paper uses software engineering design concepts, designes the hierarchically structure and the main functions of the integrated community safety GIS, according to the needs analysis; Starts from analysing the characteristic of the data in the integrated community safety GIS,studies the preprocessing、organization、 management and analyse of data in the integrated community safety GIS;Finally developes an integrated community safety GIS application example—LanZhou city community safety GIS for the practice.This paper has completed following several aspects work mainly:1. Designs hierarchically structure and main functions of community safety GIS.2. Studies the process of data preprocessing, gives the key technologies and algorithms.3. Studies the organization and management of data, uses the New Orleans method to make overall and specific design on community safety database.4. Explores the spatial data management model, gives the management and access programme of spatial data when taking ArcSDE as spatial database engine.5. Studies how to combine spatial analysis with public safety services, realizes the public security plan function through the establishment risk analysis computation model and the position build appraisal model, produces the emergency automatic dispatch function concrete realization.6. Developes an example of application system for the practice.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】402

