

【作者】 林季资

【导师】 邬劭轶;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 凝聚态物理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 3d1离子(如V4+、Ti3+等)是非常重要的过渡金属离子,人们对掺杂3d1离子物质的电子顺磁共振谱(EPR)进行了大量研究,积累了丰富的实验数据。但是,对这些EPR实验结果的理论解释则不太令人满意。例如,大多数工作都采用粗糙的g因子和超精细结构常数二阶微扰公式,其中只考虑了中心离子旋轨耦合作用对自旋哈密顿参量的贡献,而忽略了配体轨道及配体旋轨耦合作用的贡献,因而对一些实验结果难以给出合理的解释。此外,尚有部分实验数据至今未有理论上的分析。为了克服前人工作中的不足,本文基于离子簇模型,采用Marcfarlane强场微扰法得到四角和斜方畸变的压缩八面体中3d1离子的g因子和超精细结构常数的三阶微扰公式,并将这些公式应用于(NH42SbCl5中的四角VO2+中心、锐钛矿填隙位置的四角、V4+中心、金红石系列晶体中的斜方、V4+中心等体系,满意地解释了EPR实验结果,并获得了掺杂离子的局部结构信息。(1)对于(NH42SbCl5中四角VO2+中心,考虑了配体轨道及旋轨耦合作用的贡献。同时确定了前人实验未给出的超精细结构常数A因子的符号。(2)对于锐钛矿中填隙、V4+中心,克服了前人采用较多的调节参量,忽略配体轨道及旋轨耦合作用对自旋哈密顿参量贡献的不足,同时给出了超精细结构常数A的定量解释。(3)对于金红石中填隙、V4+中心,发现当V4+离子占据填隙位后,原来的压缩八面体环境会略微伸长即平行方向键长伸长0.28(?)(R(?)1.95(?)),垂直方向键长缩收0.14(?)(Rx(?)2.09(?)),显然此时的局部环境仍是压缩八面体。(4)对于金红石型MO2(M=Ti、Ge、Sn)晶体替位、V4+中心,研究发现,由于Jahn-Teller效应,配体多面体由母体时的伸长八面体变成杂质中心的压缩八面体。另外,由于体系具有较强的共价性,配体轨道和旋轨耦合作用的贡献不能忽略。

【Abstract】 As important model systems, 3d1 ions (Ti3+, V4+, Cr5+) have been extensivelyinvestigated by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and manyexperimental data for spin Hamiltonian parameters g factors and the hyperfine structureconstants were also measured. As for the theoretical analyses, some experimental resultsfor 3d1 ions in tetragonally and rhombically compressed octahedra were not been treated,and some others were not satisfasctorily interpreted. The weakness of the previousstudies lies in (ⅰ) adoption of the simple second-order perturbation formulas of the gfactors and (ⅱ) neglecting of the contributions from the ligand orbits and spin-orbitcoupling coefficients. In order to make further investigations on the spin Hamiltonianparameters for the above 3d1 centers, they are quantitatively analyzed from theirhigh-order perturbation formulas for a 3d1 ion in tetragonally and rhombicallycompressed octahedra. In these formulas, the contributions to the spin Hamiltonianparameters from the s- and p-orbital as well as the spin-orbit coupling of ligands aretaken into account based on the cluster approach. In addition, the information about thedefect structures of the 3d1 impurity centers can be connected with the low symmetricaldistortions and thus the spin Hamiltonian parameters.(1) For the tetragonal VO2+ in (NH42SbCl5, the contributions to the spin Hamiltonianparameters from the s- and p-orbital as well as the spin-orbit coupling of ligands arefound to be significant and cannot be neglected, and the signs of the experimentalhyperfine structure constants are also theoretically determined.(2) For the interstitial V4+ in anatase (TiO2), the above contributions to the spinHamiltonian parameters are also taken into account and the quantitative interpretation tothe hyperfine structures Ai factors are carried out.(3) For the interstitial V4+ in rutile (TiO2), stretching and contraction of the parallel andperpendicular bonding lengthes by about 0.28(?) and 0.14(?) compare to those in thehost is obtained for the impurity.(4) For the substitutional V4+ centers in rutile type MO2(M=Ti,Ge,Sn), the (VO68-clusters change from elongation in the hosts to compression in the impurity centers due to the Jahn-Teller effect. In additon, the contributions from the ligand orbital andspin-orbit coupling contributions are not negligible because of the significant covalencyof the systems.and the liand ions become significant, because of the high valence stateof the impurity V4+. So contributions from the s- and p-orbital as well as the spin-orbitcoupling of ligands must be consider in theoretical studies on Spin Hamiltonianparameters of 3d1 impurity centers. The second, local distortion octahedron consisted ofV4+ and ligands usually are compressed because of the Jahn-Teller effect and the groundstate is orbital singlet 2B2g.

  • 【分类号】O481
  • 【下载频次】95

