

Application of Workflow Technology in Defect Trace Systems

【作者】 褚嘉捷

【导师】 徐学洲; 刘峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着软件业的发展,软件复杂程度的提高,开发过程中出现的缺陷(bug)数量越来越多,为了尽快发现软件系统中的缺陷,确保每个被发现的缺陷都能够及时得到处理,开发合适的缺陷跟踪工具是必不可少的。针对缺陷跟踪工作中团队成员协同工作的需要,在系统开发中采用了工作流技术。工作流就是工作流程的计算机模型,即将工作流程中的工作如何前后组织在一起的逻辑和规则在计算机中以恰当的模型进行表示并对其实施计算。工作流要解决的主要问题是:为实现某个业务目标,在多个参与者之间,利用计算机,按某种预定规则自动传递文档、信息或者任务。本文对当前的工作流技术和软件缺陷跟踪进行了相关的研究,并运用工作流技术对软件缺陷跟踪过程进行工作流建模和模型分析;在建立的模型基础上采用了FSM(有限状态机)的原理设计出了工作流引擎,通过它来实现工作流的定义和调度;最后给出了缺陷跟踪系统的整个设计方案并指出了系统的优点和不足,以及今后工作的要点。

【Abstract】 The scale of the software development enlarges gradually, the bugs appearing in the development process is more and more. Therefore, carried on to follow the defect management, insure each discovered defect can be dealt with in time is the work of an important content. In order to solve the problem, software companies need Defect Trace System (DTS).In defect tracing field, it needs cooperation working. So we use technology of workflow. A Workflow is a collection of Steps and data that define the paths that can be taken to complete a task. Workflows may contain activities such as displaying content to users, collecting information from users or computer systems, performing calculations, and sending messages to external computer systems.This paper works over on the future of defect trace and technology of workflow, it adopts a method extending Finite State Machine (FSM) to describe workflow process model. After deep research on the logic of the workflow model, produces the design and the realization plan of the workflow engine, which realizes the definition and control of the workflow. At last this paper gives a Defect Trace System design scheme and points out system weakness and essential in later work.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】122

