

Study of the Key Measure Technology for the Large Radio Telescope

【作者】 刘东峰

【导师】 陈光达;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 大射电望远镜FAST(Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)方案是通过六根大跨度悬索驱动馈源舱完成馈源的大范围运动,馈源支撑及指向跟踪测量是其中两项关键技术。馈源跟踪测量系统采用瑞士徕卡公司生产的TPS1000系列激光全站仪作为测量设备,该系列激光全站仪实现测量的全自动化、智能化。其自动目标识别跟踪的功能在动态测量中有着广阔应用领域,其测量精度、灵活机动、快速便捷、无接触等特性,满足了馈源跟踪测量系统对测量设备多方面严格的要求。本论文首先对测量原理和测量仪器设备进行了研究,在对测量原理和测量平差深入理解和研究的基础上,提出了一种新的基于测量平差的定标方案。为满足馈源跟踪测量反馈对测量数据的要求,基于全站仪开发了馈源跟踪测量软件,完成对全站仪的测量数据的采集和处理,并同步的发送给控制计算机,以实现控制系统的闭环控制。最后,采用扩展的卡尔曼滤波来减小噪声的影响以提高测量精度。建立了状态方程和测量方程,给出了卡尔曼滤波算法,仿真结果表明,运用卡尔曼滤波大大提高了测量系统的精度。在处理三台全站仪对馈源点联测数据的过程中,利用已知三个合作目标中心点之间的距离为约束条件作自由网平差,得到在最小二乘条件下的坐标的最佳估值,提高了三个合作目标测量数据的精度。并采用三次样条插值方法提高控制点的数据采样率,为馈源跟踪测量反馈系统控制提供了保证。

【Abstract】 In the project of FAST (Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) , the feed cabin is carried by six big span suspend cables to move in large area. The TPS1000 laser total station made by Laica company. Automatics and intelligence technology of Total Station Instrument has been realized in the measurement field. Especially, the function of Automatic Target Recognition has been widely used in the field of kinetic measure. In small scale local coordinate, it has the advantages such as highly precision, more flexibility, more efficient use and untouched measurement etc.First, this paper studies measure theory and measure equipment. After understand and study measure deeply, considering to LT5m’s characteristic of small scale and high precision, a new demarcate method is presented based on adjustment. Second, in order to solve the problem of data communication between total station and computer in the measurement , it need a survey software . The software can accomplish data communication between total station and plotting, and send data to control computer synchronous. So it can implement closed loop control.At last, the application of Kalman filtering algorithm is extend in the tracking measurement system to solve the problem. This paper develops the state model of the tracking measurement system, A Kalman filtering algorithm is adopted to the system. The result of the simulation shows that Kalman filter works well for the improvement of the accuracy of measure system. In process of dealing with measure data from total station, it uses free-net adjustment to improve precision of three targets measure data. While cubic spline interpolation function is used to advance data sampling rate.

  • 【分类号】TH751
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】231

