

The Research on Social Trust of GuangXi

【作者】 雷金星

【导师】 李文华;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 信任是人类社会存在和发展的重要基础,具有多种社会功能。它能够减少交易成本、促进经济繁荣,还能使社会成员降低心理上的复杂性,有助于社会秩序的建立。而我国目前社会信任的缺失,已经成为制约经济和社会进一步发展的瓶颈。广西是我国西部边陲的多民族的经济相对落后的省区并参与东盟自由贸易。当前我国正在建设社会主义和谐社会,其中“诚信友爱”就是和谐社会基本特征之一。了解和掌握广西的社会信任状况对促进广西社会发展、维护少数民族利益、增强民族团结,建设和谐广西以及广西在市场经济条件下参与东盟自由贸易都是必要的。因而研究广西的社会信任具有重要的理论与现实意义。本文以社会学与社会统计学理论为指导,立足国内外社会信任研究的现状以及广西社会信任现状,遵循理论和实践相的原则,对广西社会信任进行定量研究和比较分析,正文共分为四个部分:第一部分,导论。一是论述研究本课题的原由。二是论述研究本课题的目的和意义。三是研究的基本思路。第二部分,社会信任研究概述。文章首先探讨了与信任有关的几个概念,包括诚信、信用、社会信任等,分析了它们之间的区别与联系;并把信任从不同的角度分为特殊信任、普遍信任,人际信任、制度信任等。接着从社会学和经济学的角度对西方信任理论进行了考察。最后,考察了国内外各学科有关我国社会信任的研究现状,国外方面,韦伯区分了两种信任方式,特殊主义信任以血缘性社区为基础,建立在私人关系和家族或准家族关系之上,普遍主义信任以信仰共同体为基础,认为中国社会的信任关系大多建立在亲缘或类似亲缘的纯个人关系的基础之上的,中国人对自己人有超一般的信任,对外人却不信任。这是中国人彼此之间的典型的不信;福山认为中国和意大利、法国等属于低信任国家;而由英格哈特主持的“世界价值研究计划”的调查结果显示,中国的社会信任度列世界第四位,属于高信任国家。国内方面,彭泗清考察了中国人增加相互信任的方式:关系运作与法制手段;郑也夫的《信任论》对社会信任进行了全面系统的研究;王绍光、刘欣等人1998年对上海、天津、武汉、深圳四城市的社会信任状况进行了调查,结果显示,时至今日,中国城市居民依然具有“差序格局”的人际特点:亲人间的信任高于朋友间的信任,朋友间的信任高于熟人间的信任,熟人间的信任又高于对陌生人的信任;张维迎认为,产权制

【Abstract】 Trust in the existence and development of human society is an important basis of a variety of social functions, it can reduce transaction costs, promote economic prosperity, but also to members of society to reduce psychological complexity to the creation of social order. And the deficiencies of our present social trust has become further constraining economic and social development bottleneck. Guangxi is the western border of our country’s multi-ethnic participation in the economy is relatively backward provinces and the ASEAN free trade. At present China is building a socialist harmonious society, in which "good faith and fraternity" is the basic feature of social harmony. Understand and master trust conditions for the promotion of social Guangxi . Guangxi social development, and safeguarding the interests of minorities, strengthening national unity, and building a harmonious Guangxi in the market economy conditions in the ASEAN free trade are necessary. Thus social studies Guangxi social trust mechanism has important theoretical and practical significance.The theory to sociology and social statistics as guidance, the status of research-based and community confidence and trust in Guangxi social status, and follow the principle of the theory and practice of social trust Guangxi quantitative research and comparative analysis of the text is divided into four parts :First part , Introduction. First, the present study addressed the subject previously. Second, research on the purpose and significance of this issue. The basic idea is to study three.Second part, social studies outlined trust. The article first discussed with the confidence of several concepts, including integrity, credit, social trust, the difference between their analysis and liaison; And the confidence from different angles are divided into special trust, general confidence, interpersonal trust, and trust systems. Then from the perspective of sociology and economics theory for the inspection of the West trust. Finally, inspected at various disciplines related to the study of our social trust status abroad, Weber distinguished between two types of confidence, trust, a special blood of the community-based, family based on personal relations and family relations based or quasi-universal belief in the Community, based on trust, that the Chinese community in the establishment of relations of trust or similar person whom the basis of purely personal relations, the Chinese people have the confidence-general, external people do not trust that Chinese people among the non-typical letter.Fukuyama that China and Italy, France and other countries belonging to the low confidence; chaired by the United Kingdom critical "value research project of the World" survey, China’s social trust is the world’s fourth place, a high-trust. The domestic front, Peng Siqing inspected Chinese people to increase mutual trust ways :

【关键词】 广西社会信任机制构建
【Key words】 GuangXiSocial trustmechanismbuild
  • 【分类号】B82-05
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】291

