

The Research on the Uncoupled Metabolism Model of Excess Sludge Reduction and OSA (Oxic-settling-anoxic) Process

【作者】 俞小勇

【导师】 胡勤海;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 活性污泥法是目前世界上应用最广泛的污水生物处理技术,但它一直存在一个最大的弊端,就是会产生大量的剩余污泥。在各种污泥减量技术中,投加解偶联剂来降低污泥产量,可能是最有应用前景的,因为它不需要增加额外的处理设施,运行也方便。好氧—沉淀—缺氧(OSA)工艺虽然其污泥减量化的效果可能不及添加化学解偶联剂的作用明显,但可改善污泥的沉降性能,而且也不必对现有的工艺装置进行改造,运行成本较低。本文在考察以前和现有的污泥减量化技术工艺研究的成果的基础上重点研究了剩余污泥减量化的解偶联代谢数学模型和好氧—沉淀—缺氧(OSA)工艺。 在剩余污泥减量化的解偶联代谢数学模型试验研究中,通过摇瓶试验比较了对氯酚(OCP)、2,4-二氯酚(DCP)、3,3′,4′,5-四氯水杨酰苯胺(TCS)、邻硝基酚(PNP)、2,4-二硝基酚(DNP)的污泥减量化效果,并对效果较好的化学解偶联剂DNP、PNP与TCS进行解偶联剂浓度和污泥浓度试验,对TCS进行完全混合活性污泥分批工艺试验。结果表明,摇瓶试验结果与数学模型不符合,但TCS的分批工艺试验数据与数学模型相符;表观污泥产率(Yobs随初始解偶联剂浓度与初始生物量浓度之比(Cu/Xo)的增大而降低,因此真正施加在生物量上的化学解偶联剂强度应该是Cu/Xo,而不是单纯的初始解偶联剂浓度(Cu)。 在好氧—沉淀—缺氧(OSA)工艺的试验研究中,比较了污泥在缺氧池中不同停留时间(5.5h、7.6h、11.5h)的3种OSA工艺对剩余污泥的减量化效果。结果表明,3种工艺的剩余污泥量分别比传统活性污泥工艺降低22.99%、33.24%和13.80%。和传统活性污泥工艺相比,COD去除率和出水氨氮浓度与对照相当,总氮去除率下降了0.03~8.70%,污泥在缺氧池中停留7.6h、11.5h的OSA工艺总磷去除率升高约19%。除污泥停留11.5h的OSA工艺其污泥SVI值有所升高外,其余均和对照相当,但所有污泥的沉降性能都很好(SVI值均小于100)。综合考虑污泥减量化效果、运行效能和实际可操作性,认为OSA工艺中污泥在缺氧池中停留6~7h较为理想。

【Abstract】 The activated sludge process is commonly used for the treatment of Wastewater, which also generates a large quantity of excess sludge daily as a byproduct. There are various kinds of technology developed to reduce excess sludge, among which, the use of chemical uncouplers are very prospective because it is easy to run and no extra treatment facilities are needed. Oxic-settling-anoxic(OSA) process may not be effective as the control of excess sludge production by chemical uncouplers. The OSA process can improve the settleability of sludge, and it needs no modification on the conventional activated sludge and less running cost. This paper emphasized the research on the uncoupled metabolism model of excess sludge reduction and OSA process on the review of the technical and the theory of sludge reduction of past and present.In the research of uncoupled metabolism model of excess sludge reduction, ortho-chlorophenol(OCP),2,4-dichlorophenol(DCP), 3,3’,4’,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide(TCS), para-dinitrophenol(PNP) and 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP) were chosen for short-term tests of their ability to reduce sludge yield by a bottle shaking test. The most effective chemicals, DNP, PNP and TCS were tested for various uncoupler concentrations and biomass concentrations. TCS was then tested in a lab-scale completely mixed activated sludge batch culture. The model was verified with experimental data in a completely mixed activated sludge batch test, but the results from the bottle shaking batch test are inconsistent. The observed growth yield(Yobs) is decreased with the increase of the ratio of initial uncoupler concentration to initial biomass concentration(Cu/Xo). The real strength of chemical uncoupler imposing on biomass

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】436

