

Researches on Perfection and Reforms of the Civil Litigation System at Trial Level

【作者】 廖智英

【导师】 廖永安;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 审级制度是一项基本的诉讼制度,其体现着程序制度的基本理念,对一国司法和诉讼进程起着支撑性作用,是实现程序公正和审判效率的重要保障。由于历史文化、诉讼传统等方面的原因,我国现行审级制度存在诸多弊端,其应有的制度功能无法正常发挥。本文从审级制度的内涵、价值目标、功能等基本理论问题入手,通过对两大法系主要国家的审级制度以及我国审级制度的历史沿革进行考察后,对现有审级制度现状及存在的主要问题进行了深入探讨。在此基础上提出了改革我国现有审级制度的初步构想。本文认为,民事诉讼审级制度应当以审判独立为基本原则,兼顾诉讼公正、诉讼效益的共同实现;民事诉讼审级制度应当充分尊重当事人的程序选择权;民事诉讼审级制度的完善应当对各级人民法院的职能作出明确的界定。整体而言,我国宜建立一套以两审终审为主体,一审终审和三审终审为补充的审级制度。

【Abstract】 The trial level system is a basic litigation system, which embodies the basic idea of the procedure system, and guarantees the procedure justness and trial efficiency. Owing to the history and culture and the tradition of litigation, there are many defaults in our present trial level system, which has obstructed the normal functions of the trial level system. At first, the article introduces the basics of the system, such as, the connotation, the object of value and function. Then After studying the system in some main countries that use two legal systems and the evolution of this system in our country, the writer researches deeply the present situation and the problems as well as proposes her views on reform the system. The writer thinks that the system should be basic on the independent trial and realize the fairness and efficiency of the litigation. The trial level system of civil litigation should respect litigants’ rights to choose the proper procedure. To perfect the system, the system should definite the functions of all level law courts. General speaking, we should establish a set of perfect trial level system in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】235

