

Potato Production Status、Problems and Solutions of Guyuan City, Ningxia Autonomous Region

【作者】 王玲

【导师】 相建业;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 马铃薯属茄科茄属的一年生草本植物,是一种世界性的作物,已是全球第四大重要的粮食作物,仅次于小麦、稻米和玉米,营养丰富,可粮、菜、饲兼用。马铃薯产业对世界大多数国家的经济发展都起着十分重要的作用。马铃薯的传播发展史已达8000年左右,自十七世纪传入中国,已有400多年的种植历史,在固原种植300多年。马铃薯产业是我市最有发展潜力和开发前景的产业。固原市是宁夏马铃薯主产区,镶嵌在黄土瀚海之中的六盘山,矗立在市区西南部,其独特的“湿岛”作用为马铃薯的生长发育创造了十分和谐的气候条件。高海拔的空间环境、充裕的光照、丰沛的降水、冷凉的温湿度、疏松肥沃的土壤和较大的昼夜温差为马铃薯产业发展提供了巨大的资源优势和潜在比较竞争优势。实行市场经济以来,面对加入WTO的机遇和挑战,我市一批精、粗淀粉加工企业迅速崛起,带动了马铃薯产业的发展,使固原成为宁夏第一、全国四大马铃薯生产基地之一和产品销售集散地,马铃薯鲜薯及其加工产品开始在全国占有一定的优势地位。马铃薯产业的兴起为我市农业的战略性结构调整开辟了广阔的选择空间,为实现工业反哺农业提供了新的发展方向,为保障粮食安全和区域经济社会全面、和谐、可持续发展探索了一条有效途径。但是,在生产中存在原料基地建设滞后、品质结构不精、专用化程度低、种薯退化、种薯繁育推广体系建设落后、马铃薯精深加工水平不高、市场服务体系建设不完善、环境综合治理不配套等问题,严重制约马铃薯产业化经营深化发展。针对存在的问题和困难,科学定位发展战略,提出强化基地建设、加快新技术研发创新与推广、扩大种薯脱毒化规模、强化龙头企业带动、加强科技示范科技培训、全面改善和提升鲜薯贮藏及营销条件、大力解决水污染问题、强化产业链上经营主体之间和经营环节之间的利益机制创新、组建成立两大集团公司、延伸产业链、走“双龙腾飞”之路、建立健全三大社会服务体系、走市场化经营之路等一系列对策来促进我市马铃薯产业的腾飞,推进马铃薯产业全面升级、促进农业产业结构的战略调整、走农业工业化道路的优先选择,对解决宁夏固原地区“三农”问题,尽快使农民富裕起来,并实现小康目标具有十分重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Potato, Solanaceae, annual herb, is a world’s fourth important food crop. It’s a nutrient-rich, grain, vegetables and forage crop. Potato industries play an important role in the economic development of most countries in the world. Before 8000, human already begin plant potato; it has been introduced to China since the 17th century. There was more than 300 years history planted potato in Guyuan. Potato industry has the most development potential and prospects in this city. It’s the main plant area of Guyuan in Ningxia. The Liupan Mountain, standing in the southwest of this city, its unique "wet island" create a very harmonious climate effect to the growth of potato. It’s the huge advantage in resources and potential comparative advantages in competition that high altitude, ample sunlight, rich water, cold temperature and humidity, Osteoporosis fertile soil for the potato industry and the development of the larger temperature difference between day and night in here.Implementation of a market economy, the opportunities and challenges facing the WTO, to our group of Excellence starch processing enterprises to rise rapidly, and led to the development of the potato industry, as the Ningxia Autonomous First, Four national potato production base and sales center. Fresh Tuber potatoes and processed products have gained a dominant position in the country. The emergence of the potato industry to our strategic restructuring of agriculture has opened up a broad selection. Industry feeds agriculture to achieve a new direction for the development of food security and regional economic and social harmony. Explore an effective way to sustainable development. However, there are raw materials base lagged behind in production, quality is not good, a low degree of specialization, Potato degradation. Potato breeding promotion system backward, the quintessential potato processing level is not high, market service system is imperfect, not supporting the comprehensive management of environmental problems severely constrain operating depth development of the potato industry.To deal with the problems and difficulties, policy makers and experts in the development of science and positioning strategy, a strengthened base, promote innovation and to accelerate research and development of new technology to achieve Potato Virus, and strengthening the leading firms, and strengthen scientific and technological demonstration training. Fresh Tuber improve and upgrade the storage and marketing conditions that solve the problems of environmental pollution, and policy support, strengthen the industrial chain between business entities and business links between the interests of mechanisms, the two founded the company extension of the industry chain, "the village forward" to the road, establish a sound system of three social services, to create new mechanisms, follow the path of a series of market-oriented business strategies to promote the city’s potato industry takeoff promote the comprehensive upgrading of the potato industry, and promote the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure. Preferences and agricultural industrialization, Ningxia Autonomous Region to solve the "three rural" issue enable farmers to get rich as soon as possible and to achieve the goal of moderate prosperity is of great practical significance.

【关键词】 宁夏固原马铃薯产业化问题对策
【Key words】 Guyuan in NingxiaPotatoProductionProblemsCountermeasures
  • 【分类号】F326.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】640

