

The Studies on Seed-Coating Agents for Controlling Sphacelotheca Reiliana Clinton

【作者】 王拴福

【导师】 谢惠民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 玉米丝黑穗病是一种是世界性病害,主要是土壤传播,苗期侵染,到穗期才出现典型的症状。我国近年来由于品种抗性提高较慢,特别是玉米多年重茬连作、带菌秸杆覆盖还田,使病害的发生越来越重,严重地方发病率达到60%左右。生产上当前常用的防治方法主要是化学药剂和种衣剂拌种包衣,药剂防治不明显,种衣剂效果好,但是目前市场上种衣剂类型多、防效差异大,难以经济、有效应用。因此,开展筛选防治玉米丝黑穗病种衣剂药效试验十分迫切,并具有重要的意义。本试验通过使用5种目前生产上常用的种衣剂——黑虫双全种衣剂、黑败种衣剂、立克秀种衣剂、黑穗克星种衣剂和卫福种衣剂对在山西种植面积大且感病的玉米品种沈单16进行了处理,采取种子包衣与病原菌接种相结合的方法,在山西5个不同玉米生态区进行了对比性药效试验。对出苗期、出苗率、防治效果和增产效果四方面的试验结果进行了系统的统计分析研究,以期筛选出一种适用于生产,高效、低毒、低残留的玉米种衣剂,为山西省玉米的安全生产提供依据。结果表明:应用五种种衣剂处理种子均不同程度地影响玉米的出苗期、出苗率、防治效果;各种衣剂相互比较,防治效果差异显著,其中黑败种衣剂防治效果最高,达89.5%,且对出苗期、出苗率没有显著差异影响;黑虫双全种衣剂和立克秀种衣剂防治效果次之,分别为69.6%和63.4%,对出苗率没有显著差异影响,出苗推迟2.4~2.8d。建议在生产上大力推广应用黑败、黑虫双全、立克秀种衣剂。尤其是黑败种衣剂对玉米丝黑穗病的防病增产效果最好,与对照差异极显著,且价格适中、使用成本低,应当成为当前种子生产部门首选种衣剂。

【Abstract】 Sphacelotheca Reiliana Clinton of Maize has been found around the world ,and is distributed through the soil ,the plants are infected at the seedling,while the typical symptoms wound be formed at the tasselling period , due to the severe threat of the Sphacelotheca Reiliana Clinton, the production of maize is heavily limited. The traditionally controlling methods, such as using resistant cultivar, exposing the root to the sun, rotating with different crops and spraying chemical substance, but the disease can not be controlled significantly. It was reported that the most direct, economical and effective method of controlling the disease was treating with seed-coating agent, but different types of seed-coating agent with different ingredients may have different result. Thus, it is very necessary to select the agent with the most controlling effect.Five seed-coating agents, Thiram, Raxil, and so on, and the sensitive maize cultivar Shendan 16 were used in this experiment at five different trial places, and the impacts of seed-coating agents on the date of germination, the rate of germination, disease and yield were analyzed, aiming to select a kind of seed-coating agents with high effect, low toxicity and low content of remainder, and to provide evidence for safe production of maize in Shanxi province.The result indicated that, the field control effects of the Thiram(89.5%)were quite remarkable.And integrated considerations,the control effect of Thiram was the best , it should be adopted by the seed departments.

【关键词】 玉米丝黑穗病种衣剂防效
【Key words】 CornSphacelotheca Reiliana ClintonSeed-coatingPrevention Effect
  • 【分类号】S435.131
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

