

A Research Report on the Technological Innovations of Tea-Manufacturing Mechanization

【作者】 张星显

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品加工, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 汉中市机械化制茶技术研究,在邹志荣导师的指导下完成了各项研究任务。该课题在我市的南郑、西乡、勉县、宁强、城固、镇巴、略阳、洋县八个产茶县的78个乡镇、315个村、282个乡村茶场和制茶点实施。经过几年的工作,研究出了适合汉中炒青绿茶的一套机械化制茶工艺技术:鲜叶分级摊晾→杀青→揉捻→滚湿坯→摊晾→炒毛坯→摊晾→滚足干→摊晾→包装,及各工序的技术参数;研究出了适合汉中绿茶类名茶机械化制茶的一套完整技术:鲜叶分级摊晾→杀青→清风→做形→摊晾→初烘→摊晾→复烘→摊晾→包装,及各工序的技术参数。使我市名茶制造由传统的手工制作变为机械化制作,大宗绿茶由传统老式机械制茶变为新型机械制茶,名茶和大宗绿茶新型机械加工分别较手工加工,每公斤干茶可节省成本20.83元和3.14元,大宗绿茶新型机械加工较传统老式机械加工,每公斤干茶可节省成本0.09元。新型名茶机械制作比手工制作效率提高8.6倍,大宗绿茶新型机械加工比传统老式机械加工效率提高0.5倍以上,且成品茶品质稳定。这对我市绿茶类名茶及大宗绿茶加工技术的提高是一大突破和创新。几年来,共推广新型茶叶加工机械35个品种932台,共实现经济效益为2.79亿元。目前,该项技术的研究推广已在我市茶叶生产中发挥了重要的作用,大大促进了名茶生产的上批量,上档次,上规模,促进了大宗绿茶质量的上台阶,使我市茶叶产业化的总体水平也得到了提高,经济、社会和生态效益十分显著。有力地推进了我市乃至全省及周边毗邻茶区茶叶产业的快速发展。

【Abstract】 This dissertation,including every task of this research,has been accomplished under my direction of my supervisor , Pro. Zhou Zhirong. All the research has been complemented and completed in 78 towns, 315 villages, 282 tea plantations and tea manufacturers in different counties as Nanzhen, Mianxian, Xixiang, Ningqiang, Chenggu, Zhengba, Lueyang, and Yangxian which are all major tea-grown areas and tea-manufacturing places in Hanzhong city. After quite a few years’experiments and hard work, a more efficient set of mechanical processing technologies ideal for Hanzhong green-tea manufacturing has been found out . The procedure is described as: to spread out and air the fresh tea leaves in grades---to treat tea leaves for green colour preservation---to rub and twist---to roll and make the fresh base---to spread out and air the base --- to fry the base---to spread out and dry the base again---to roll the base another time till dry enough--- to spread out and dry--- to pack it up and the products are finished. The technological parameters are described in this dissertation. The other set of mechanical processing technologies ideal for Hanzhong famous-tea manufacturing has also been sought out, and the procedure is described as: to spread out and air the fresh tea leaves in grades--- to treat tea leaves for green colour preservation---to breeze-dry---to form--- to spread out and dry once again--- to cure for the first time--- to spread out and dry again--- to cure for the second time---to spread out to dry for one more time--- to pack it up and the products are finished. The technological parameters are also enclosed in this dissertation. It has been found out that when large amounts of green tea have been manufactured by modern-type machines , the costs of famous tea and large amounts of green-tea can be cut down RMB 20.83 yuan and 3.14 yuan per kilogram respectively than manual operations and old traditional machines. In manufacturing large amounts of green-tea, the cost of per kilogram of dry green-tea can be saved RMB 0.09 yuan by the modern-type machines. While the quality is more stable than before, the efficiency made by the new-type machines for manufacturing famous-tea products has been improved by 8.6 times than manual operations, more than 0.5 times by machines for manufacturing large amounts of green-tea than the old machines; which have proved an important breakthrough and great innovation, even a technological revolution in the manufacturing of green-tea, famous-tea, and large amounts of green-tea in Hanzhong tea industry. Over the past few years, 35 different modern-types of 932 tea-manufacturing machines in total have been popularized and used, which achieved an economic benefit of RMB 279,000,000 yuan. Today, the popularization and use of the technologies has been playing an important role in tea-manufacturing in Hanzhong, and it has also vigorously promoted our famous-tea manufacturing in terms of amounts, grading, and scales. In addition, both the quality of large amounts of green tea and the whole level of industralization in green-tea manufacturing have been improved so much that all the remarkable economic, social, and ecological benefits can be successfully acquired. Thanks to the modern technologies, a rapid progress has been made and the developments in tea manufacturing industry are being promoted not only in Hanzhong but the whole province ,and even in the neighboring tea plantations as well.

【关键词】 茶叶机械制茶工艺技术研究
【Key words】 teamachinestea-manufacturingtechnologyresearch
  • 【分类号】TS272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161

