

Research on the Correction and Self-discipline Mechanism of the New York Times

【作者】 陈阅

【导师】 刘家林;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 传播学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 美国报业的新闻自律从第一份报纸创刊开始萌芽,经过百多年来的发展,逐步形成较完善的体系,其中也曾涌现出许多严于律己的报纸典范,拥有155年历史的《纽约时报》最有代表性,它的更正和自律机制堪称美国报业自律的表率。《纽约时报》在头版下一页设有固定的更正栏,集中更正和增补散见于报纸中间的错漏;对一些事实上没有错误,但是总体上有失公允的内容,还设有“编者的话”栏目予以增补和平衡。本文从考察《纽约时报》更正制度的发展历史、近乎苛刻的更正原则、严格的更正流程和详尽的道德条例入手,通过一般案例分析和典型案例分析,由更正这一点发散到时报的整个自律机制层面。正是有了这样比较完善的的自律机制,《纽约时报》在面对2003年杰森·布莱尔丑闻事件和2004年伊拉克违禁武器报道失实引发的两次信誉危机时,能够迅速展开大规模调查和自上而下的自我反省,化解了危机。从“152年来的最低点”走出来,时报对“完美新闻”的追求并没有因此停步,而是继续努力通过各种自律行动赢取读者的信任,它在美国民众心中的公信力也因而始终保持着较高水平。《纽约时报》的更正和自律机制对我国报业的发展也有积极的指导和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Sprouted form the very first newspaper, the Journalism Self-discipline of America has developed into a complete system during hundreds of years’ improvement. Among many excellent newspapers that are strict with the journalism ethics, the New York Times, boasting with its corrections and self-discipline mechanism, is the most typical. On the second front-page, there are Corrections which focus on factual errors and Editors’ Note which corrects stories in improper perspective or that are not quite fair. Started with the inlook of the Times’s history of correction, strict correcting rules and progress as well as its detailed moral statutes, this dissertation further the research on the Times’s self-discipline mechanism through case studies. Thanks to this perfect mechanism, the New York Times melt the crisis when Jayson Blair scandal and Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction misinformation took place in 2003 and 2004, by taking immediate investigations and self-criticism. Went through the "low point in the 152-year history", the New York Times didn’t stop its pursuit for the "perfect journalism" but continuously striving to win readers’ trust by many ways. That’s why the New York Times is always laid high trust by the public of America. It is also with positive and profound influence on the newspapers of China to learn from the New York Times’s correction and self-discipline mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】296

