

The EU’s Special Safeguard Measures Against China: Analysis and Legal Tactics

【作者】 黄国崇

【导师】 周显志;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从介绍欧盟对华特殊保障措施立法及其司法实践入手,在比较分析欧盟特保法规与WTO《保障措施协议》和我国入世法律文件的基础上,探讨其法理本质,并试图针对欧盟特保立法对我国的影响提出相应的法律对策。 全文分为三部分: 第一部分“欧盟对我国的特殊保障措施立法及其司法实践”。介绍了特殊保障措施的内涵及其沿革,以及欧盟制定针对我国的特殊保障措施的立法背景和立法概览,分析欧盟对我国采取特保措施的实体要件和基本程序,然后以案例来说明欧盟特保法规对我国产品带来的不利影响。 第二部分“欧盟特殊保障措施法的比较分析”。通过将欧盟特保法规与WTO宗旨和基本原则、WTO《保障措施协议》和我国入世法律文件进行法律比较,指出欧盟特保法规是其实施新贸易保护主义的工具,其严重损害了我国作为WTO成员应享有的权利,已构成我国对欧贸易发展的一大障碍。 第三部分“我国应对欧盟特殊保障措施的法律对策”。针对欧盟特保措施对我国外贸造成的危害,认为应确立政府在应对特保诉讼中的主体地位,企业应提高自身的法律意识与应诉能力;宏观上来说,有必要建立出口预警机制和应对特保的机制,并完善相关的国内立法;此外,还应大胆运用WTO争端解决机制进行抗辩。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a theoretical article studying the EU’s special safeguard measures against China. To begin with introducing the EU’s legislation on the special safeguards, by making a comparative analysis of the EU’s legislation on special safeguards and WTO’s Agreement on Safeguards and China’s WTO accession documents, the thesis tries to probe into the legal nature of the special safeguard measures of the EU. And it puts forward some strategies on coping with this discriminative legislation.There are three parts in this thesis:The first part: Legislation and practice of the EU’s special safeguard measure against China. This part firstly introduces the legal connotations of special safeguards and it’s legislation background, then it reviews the material condition and procedure for EU to impose a special safeguard measure. Finally it indicates that it may bring greater challenge for Chinese enterprises to develop export and foreign trade communion.The Second part: A comparative analysis of the EU’s legislation on special safeguards. On the basis of making a comparative analysis of the EU’s legislation on special safeguards and WTO’s Agreement on Safeguards and China’s WTO accession documents, this part concludes that the EU’s special safeguard measures are tremendous disadvantageous to China and we should carry out active steps to prevent the EU’s abuse of this regulation, trying to reduce the possible damage to the minimum level.The third part: Legal tactics in coping with EU’s special safeguard measures in respect to China. The government should strengthen its diplomatic efforts and take full advantage of WTO dispute settlement mechanism. On the other hand, it should effectively regulate and supervise the registration work of exports, and establish efficient pre-warning system together with the close cooperation from industrial associations and enterprises. For those individual enterprises, they should develop long-term visions, avoid blind investment, and aggressively tap new export markets.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】242

