

Unusual Love Story within the Novel of Xu Xu and Its Narrative Skill

【作者】 赖新芳

【导师】 费勇;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以徐訏的“奇情”小说为研究范围,涉及花城出版社1997年出版的《徐訏奇情小说集》中的十八个中短篇,以及《彼岸》《江湖行》《时与光》等三部长篇小说。这一类小说从某种意义上代表了徐訏的作品风格,在内容上,普遍以男女恋情为题材,在写作手法上具有浪漫传奇色彩,在流派归属上既承继了言情小说曲折、委婉、生动的故事性传统,又吸收了浪漫主义小说的表现形式。综观徐訏一生的创作,绝大部分作品都是以爱情婚恋为题材,加上迷离恍惚的场景和异域情调,细腻的心理描写,形成委婉神秘、亦真亦幻的浪漫传奇色调。 徐訏正是以审美个体主义的原则,以个人对世界的独特体验,在灵魂和心理的层面上讲述一个个动人的故事。他往往从一个具体的人的存在困境出发,洞察人类的深秘所在,由此进而了解作为人的整个社会.作家的使命呈现出对人的生存的终极价值的关怀。正是在这个意义上,他的作品具有了超越时代价值的形而上学意义。他这种个人的生命体验常常被融解于艺术性的思维和语言中。驾轻就熟的技巧,奇伟的想象,浓郁的异域风情,独特的文学视角,充满个性的风格,这就是徐訏建构的独一无二的小说艺术世界。这些小说以爱情为载体,在一个个奇特的男女恋情故事中融进作者对人生、社会、宗教的哲学思索,呈现出诗化与哲理交融的特征。浪漫主义的诗性追求,现代主义的哲理意念与传奇志异的审美旨趣结合在一起,构成一个诗意的审美空间。本文将从作品内容、叙事特色、哲学意蕴三个层面讨论徐訏作品独特的个人风貌及其跨时代意义。

【Abstract】 The text take unusual love story of Xu Xu as the range of research, involves Collection of Unusual Love Story of Xu Xu, which was published in 1997 by HuaCheng publisher, including 18 shortpieces, and three novels--The Other Shore、 river’s lake go andhour and light .On a certain meaning , this kind of novel stands for Xu Xu’s style. In the contents aspect, these stories take romantic love story as its topic. Also, its romantic legend tone is worthy of attention. The corporate of legend and romantic tradition made the stories striking and hang to read. Taking a comprehensive view of the creations of Xu Xu’s whole life, we can find that majority of his work told love story, specially strange about it’s hero、plot and place.Taking individual feeling as his esthetics principle, Xu Xu wrote these novels in order to investigate the secret of human mental existence. He usually set out from the special experience of a person, tried to understand the whole society. The mission of the writer presents the concern of the ultimate end value of existence. So, his work has deliberated the metaphysics value of the ages. We can find all these kind of things his novels: the heavy foreign country romantic feeling, the special literature view, imagination of strange details. In the following text I will discuss unusual love story of Xu Xu according to its contents, its narrative skill and its philosophy idea.

【关键词】 奇情浪漫传奇叙事哲学意蕴
【Key words】 Unusual Love StoryRomanticLegendNarrationPhilosophy Meaning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】325

