

【作者】 廖新仲

【导师】 牟宪魁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从对债的概念的疏理和债的本质的剖析入手,以对债进行新的分类为切入点,从“崭新的”视角对债权的性质和类别重新审视,合理地解决了“物权行为”或曰“物权契约”等理论上的疑难问题,并对“债权是财产权”的观点和“解债化思潮”进行了批判,以期维护罗马法以来尤其是德国法以来关于债的概念和债法体系的完整性。在对债与债权的性质进行新的分类的基础上,本文进一步将全部的民事权利划分为本座权、契约权和救济权三大类,在此基础上组织了一个全新的民法学理论体系;并依“法的运行阶段”理论为据,以本座法、契约法和救济法为龙骨构建了中国民法典的内容结构,从而为制定一部结构严谨、体系科学的中国民法典,提供了一个可资借鉴的方案。

【Abstract】 Commencing with construe to the concept and hypostatic analysis of the obligatio , and carrying on the new classification to the obligatio in order to correspond the point, this essay re-examined the property and categories of the legal right of the obligatio with brand-new view , and resolved the theoretic difficult problems reasonably something like the behavior of the real right, which some others also call as the real right contract . This essay also made criticisms on the point of the obligatio-right is property right and the thought of the de-obligatio , so that to support the completecasion about the concept of obligatio and the system of the obligatio-law since the Rome-law , particularly , since the German-law. Baseing on the new classification to the oblitio and the property of the right of the obligatio , this essay also divided all the civil rights into three major types say the Right In Seat , the Right Of the Contraction and the Remedial Right .Thereby , a totally new academic theory system of the civil law comes out . What is more , under the principle of the run phases of the law , we may take the Seat Law , the Contract Law and the Remedy Law as the direct basis the content structure of the future Chinese Civillaw Code. So we can draw a precise and scientific civil law code directly on it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】350

