

【作者】 王风雷

【导师】 孟维平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 音乐学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国普通高校的艺术教育是在上世纪70年代末80年代初首先由一些高校自发组织实施的,他们开设了大量的美育、艺术教育课程,对高校艺术教育进行了初步探索。在1988年国家教委制订下发《在普通高等学校中普及艺术教育的意见》之后,我国的普通高校艺术教育工作进入了正规发展的时期。由于艺术教育一般是以人文素质选修课的形式出现在高校课堂的,国家没有严格统一的要求,只是由各地高校根据自身实际情况有选择的开设,所以在具体的教学活动中,艺术教育从课程的开设、教学内容的选择到教学方法的使用,就具有了很大的不确定性和不连贯性,其中也包括音乐教育。 本文通过对中原音乐文化的阐释,对河南省普通高校音乐教育与中原音乐文化相结合的优势的分析,提出了在河南省普通高校中进行以中原音乐文化为主体的音乐教育思路。并以上世纪80年代以来国家的一系列有关学校艺术教育的方针政策为纲,以教育部于2002年颁布的《学校艺术教育工作规程》为指导思想;在坚持母语音乐教育的前提下,把中原音乐文化作为河南省普通高校音乐教育的主要内容;教学中强调学生的自主学习、调查和实践,引导学生拓宽思路,跳出单纯音乐学习的圈子,结合自身专业进行跨专业、跨文化的联系、比较与研究,初步形成了“以中原音乐文化为主体的河南省普通高校音乐教育实施方案”。以期通过实践完成对当代大学生审美能力的培养、精神的陶冶,对其道德教育的辅助、智力的促进与发展,对其探索精神、实践能力和团队意识的培养。并争取为我国其他地区普通高校音乐教育工作与当地音乐文化的结合提供思路,积累经验。

【Abstract】 Our Colleges Art Education was primarily executed by some colleges between 70s and 80s of last century. They launched the mass of courses on aesthetic and artistic education, and made elementary exploration on high colleges Art Education. In 1988, Since the Propose of Widespread Art Education in High Colleges was issued by the Nations Education Committee. Oue work on high colleges Art Education had entered a normally developing period. Because art appears by the form of selective courses which is on humanistic quality in classroom, our nation did not make any rigid or consistent reguirements on it. It is just opened selectively concerned with the actual situation of every individual college. Consequently, the starting of the courses, the selection of the teaching contents, the practice of teaching methods all show qreat unstability and inconsistency, including the musical education. By the education of Plain Music Culture and the analysis of the advantage that exisits in the connection between HeNan College Music Education and Plain Music Culture, the article promotes implementing the route of promoting the Musical Education based on Plain Music Culture. And the route should regard the nations series of strategies about schools Art Education in last 80s as its outline, the school Art Education Work Regulation as its guiding ider; whats more, in pursuing the musical education of Mother-Tongue, regard Plain Music Culture as the main content of HeNan Colleges Music Education. We should emphasize the students

  • 【分类号】G642.3;J60-4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】242

