

Extension and Application Model of Soilless Culture Technique of Floowers

【作者】 李兰华

【导师】 黄高宝;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 种植业, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,土栽花卉几乎没有了国际市场:随着国内消费水平的提高,人们对花卉的消费也转向了轻、便、靓的无土花卉。因此,无土花卉有着极大的发展前景。本文基于现有的各种无土花卉栽培技术推广模式都不能适应花卉无土栽培技术推广的现状,通过理论分析与实例研究相结合的方法,提出了适合花卉无土栽培技术的推广模式——专业化产品组装推广模式,它包括四大模块:1.组装专业化的科学技术产品。将农业推广、科研、投入供应、产品销售紧紧联为一体,农业推广被看成是商品生产过程中的一项基本投入。2.形成专业化的工程技术中心。工程技术中心处于科研与生产的结合部位,以科技成果的产业化为目标,使技术的性能在规模水平上得以充分发挥,并最终实现技术的商品化转移。3.组建专业化的营销推广网络。其主要功能是使科技产品商品化,实现科技成果的经济价值。完善的营销推广网络是科技产品迅速占领市场的关键要素之一。4.组合专业化的售后服务。服务部门通过良好的技术跟踪及后续服务,及时了解和把握技术应用过程中出现或可能出现的新问题,不断地为用户解决问题,及时发现新的技术需求,可推进新一轮的技术开发,加快产品的升级换代。这四个模块互不干扰,自成一体。每一个模块都可以单独成为推广的产品,也可以和其它模块自由搭配,组装配套,总体向客户推广。另外,本文还创造性的提出了现代种花的理念。专业化产品组装推广模式可以把花卉“罐”装化,实行工业化流水线成批生产,克服传统花卉栽培的各种不利因素,引入栽培新技术、新观念,开发集种子、肥料、营养基质、花钵等溶为一体的整体包装花卉栽培产品。

【Abstract】 After China became a member of WTO,flowers with soil cuhure lost its international market;With increasing of domestic consumption,lighter,convenient and beautitul flowers are needed.Therefore.soilless culture flower has its wide development in the future.For that existing extension patterns for techniques of soilless culture flower couldn’t satisfy the development of soilless culture flower,a new extension pattern was brought forward in the study,the pattern including 4 modules:1stmodule:to combine specialized sci-tech products,that is,to combine extension, scientific research,provide and products(?)endition,take extension as basic part of input of commodity production.2ndmodule:to form a specialized technology Center.Technology center is joint of research and produce with the aim of industrialization of science and technology production.3rdmodule:to constitute a specialized network of management,vendation and extension to merchandisation sci-tech products,this is the most important way for sci-tcch products to occupy market.4thmodule:to assemble a specialized system for after service to find out and solve new problems appeared or will appear in applying of new technology,and to find out new technology requirements to accelerate a new run of technological exploitation.These are 4 absolute modules,but they can also be combined.Each module can be extended as a product,all of them can also be assembled to extent.Moreover.new concept of modern flower culture was brought out in the thesis.Inthe new extension pattem,flowers can be produced by pipeline to overcome disadvantages of traditional flower produce,that is,exploiture of assembled flower products with combined seed,fertilizer,growth matter and flowerpot etc.

【关键词】 花卉无土栽培技术推广模式
【Key words】 FlowersSoilless culture techniqueExtension
  • 【分类号】S68
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】574

