

Current Situation and Strategies of Grassland Animal Husbandry Farming and Sustainable Development in Dangxiong of Tibet

【作者】 旦增

【导师】 罗玉柱;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 养殖, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 当雄县是西减自治区拉萨市的一个牧业县,草地资源丰富,但草原畜牧业生产水平较低。限制草业发展的主要因素是:草地严重超载,草地建设投入不足,缺乏草原监理机构,草地的人为破坏因素增多,草业推广服务体系不健全,牦牛、绵羊、山羊生产性能处于较低水平,品种退化严重,牦牛改良进展缓慢。针对全县草原畜牧业现状,近几年开展了高海拔地区牧草引种试验;优良牧草推广和综合利用及退化草场的改良;人工草地试验建设(大田试验);西藏高原主要类型天然草地退化,退化草地的新趋势,退化草地的管理和利用现状等的研究。通过上述观测研究发现,西藏草地退化有自然因素也有社会因素,但主要是不合理的人为干预造成的。根据当雄县的草地资源利用现状,提出发展草地围栏、草地灌溉、草地施肥、草地补播和人工草地建设方案。退化草地的防止对策有:加强水利建设;控制人口增长,减少人口压力;加大投入,加强保护和改良;制定合理的放牧制度,实行划区轮牧,防止超载过牧;健全草原监理机构,认真贯彻执行草原法;建立完整的草业系统。实现草业持续发展的主要对策有:注重人工饲草地建设,延伸草业链;建立一套科学合理的草地利用制度;提高综合管理水平,加大对草地建设的投入力度;努力探索草地畜牧业发展新途径。在畜牧业方面对牦牛、绵羊、山羊进行了本品种改良工作,提出了科学的家畜改良及发展措施,使传统的数量畜牧业向效益畜牧业,生态畜牧业的过渡。当雄县经济可持续发展的对策:转变观念,树立草畜并重的指导思想;加强机构建设、依法管理草地,固定草地使用权,完善草、畜有偿承包责任制;推进草地畜牧业产业化,增强经济实力;实行以草定畜、草畜平衡;多渠道筹集资金,发展草地基本建设;调整畜群结构,合理布局牲畜种群;发展防灾抗灾基地建设,增强抗灾能力;加强草地保护工作;立足培养本民族的草地科技队伍;开展草地畜牧业基础性研究和开发性研究;逐步建立草地自然保护区。使当雄县的畜牧业得到发展,实现草畜平衡,使当雄县经济实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Dangxiong County lies on the north of Lasa, Tibet. It’s a husbandry county with plenty of water, land, heat and other natural resources. The grassland covers 691,500 hektare areas of Dangxiong County. The amount of livestock on hand in Dangxiong is 538,700 head. The main livestock of Dangxiong County are Yak (192,600 head), sheep (221,100 head) and goat (117,600 head). In recent years, with the increase of the population, the grassland was degraded severely in many aspects: reduction of grass height, decline of the grassland productivity year by year, drought, increasing insects and mice disaster. The key factor restricting the development of grass industry are overloading, inadequate finance on grassland construction, lack of grassland monitoring and managing institution, increase of man-made harm on grassland, incomplete grassland extension service system, low productivity of Yak, sheep and goat, severe breed degradation, just empathise on improvement not on select breeding.To realize sustainable development of grass industry of Dangxiong County, the countermeasure were implemented, such as emphasizing on construction artificial grassland, extending grass industry chain, establishing scientific and reasonable regulations for grassland utilization, enhancing the level of integrative management and the financing on grassland construction, finding new ways to develop grass husbandry. By Yak, sheep and goat improvement, scientific livestock improvement and development measures erer proposed to realize the chanfes from quantity husbandry to efficient husbandry and ecological husbandry. Meanwhile, the Countermeasures were proposed to develop husbandry of Dangxiong County and finally realize grass-livestock balance and economic sustainable development of Dangxiong County. These Countermeasures are changing idea and setting the guide idea that both grass and livestock are important to develop husbandry; enhancing institution construction, managing grassland legally, fixing grassland usufruct, improving rewarded contract responsibility system for grass and livestock; the progress of grassland husbandry industrialization to enhance economical potentiality; implementing the policy of deciding the livestock by grass and grass-livestock baa lance; developing foundamental construction by collevtion fund in many ways; adjusting livestock herd structure; developing the base construction to prevent and resist matural disasters and enhance the resistant ability; strengthening the grassland protection works; carrying out fundamental and developmental research on grass-husbandry; establishing the natural protection areas.In recent years, by researching on scientic correlated with grass, based on the experiences of grass resources utilization, Dangxiong County government carried out Countermeasures to realize grass industry sustainable development. These Countermeasures include strengthening protection and reasonable utilization natural grassland, improving grassland ecological environment, construction artifical grassland, reducing pressure of liestock on grassland, enhancing excutive law, emphasizing grass science research and extendion, driving grass sustainable development by projects. The prevention contermeasures for grassland degradation as well as for grassland construction and management regulation were proposed. In all, to realize grassland sustainable development of Sangxiong, it was in need to enhance water facility construction, consrol population growth, prevent ocergrazing, implement division land and rotation grazing, improve grassland monitoring institution, realize grassland rewarded contract resoonsibility system, establish integrative grass industry system.

  • 【分类号】S812
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】197

