

The Companied Technique Research & Demonstration of the High Yield, High Quality and High Efficiency Cultivation of Chinese Angelica

【作者】 安英

【导师】 牛俊义; 王文丽;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 种植业, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法,研究了当归高产优质高效栽培的主要影响因子(种植密度及氮、磷、钾用量)与产量、效益等构成群体生产力性状的主次关系。取得以下主要结果:(1)在高寒阴湿地区栽培,鲜归产量高于9750kg/hm2;质量达到挥发油高于1.0%、多糖高于15.0%、70%乙醇浸出物高于59%、阿魏酸高于0.1%的优质标准;纯收益大于12000元/hm2的农艺组合是:栽植密度112200~132900株/hm2,施N量:207.15~309.45kg/hm2,施P2O5量:93.45~133.95kg/hm2,施K2O量:46.65~60.00kg/hm2。措施中心值是:密度124425株/hm2,施N:253.2kg/hm2,施P2O5:112.2kg/hm2,施K2O:52.2kg/hm2,N:P2O5:K2O约等于1:0.44:0.21。(2)在当地农田生态条件下,求得的最高产量密度是10.92万株/hm2,且10.5万株/hm2的处理经济效益最高,效益比最佳。(3)经生产实践验证,通过数学模型研究,总结提出了当归高产优质高效的平衡施肥技术措施。每公顷施纯氮255kg,五氧化二磷135kg,氧化钾60kg,比对照增产55.6%,特一等归出成率提高9.2%,当归头出成率提高6.1%,每公顷纯收益达9791.1元。无麻口病株率提高2.7%。在当归生产中具有较稳定的增产效果。该套农艺组合方案,在当归生产中具有较稳定的增产效果,在同类地区的当归高效栽培中可以推广应用。

【Abstract】 Applying the design of circumgyrated and assembled with contrast method and two-time regress,the paper analyses the primary and secondary relationship between the main factors of the cultivation(density,the dosage of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium)affecting Chinese angelica’s high output,high quality,high efficiency and the colony productive properties of the yield and benefit,and the effect of internal quality.Obtain as follows mainly as a result:(1)In chilly and humid areas,under the cultivation,the yield of the fresh Chinese angelica’s is higher than 9750 kg/hm2;The quality attains good quality standard the percent of the volatile oil is higher than 1.0%、and the amylose is higher than 15.0%、lixiviate of 70%the ethanol is higher than 59%、the asafetida acid is higher than 0.1%.The agriculture set of the net income which is beyond 12000 Yuan per hectare should be:the density is between 112200~132900 stubs/hm2,the dosage of N:207.15~309.45kg/hm2,and P2O5: 93.45~133.95 kg/hm2,and K2O:46.65~60.00kg/hm2.Key measures:Density is 124425 stubs/hm2,the dosage of N:253.2 kg/hm2,and P2O5:112.2 kg/hm2,K2O:52.2 kg/hm2,and the ratio of the N:P2Os:K2O is roughly equal to 1:0.44:0.21.(2)Under the local ecological conditions of farmland,the optimal density of the high output is 1.092 million stubs/hm2,and the density of 1.05 million stubs/hm2 has the optimal economic efficiency.(3)Through the validation of example production and the calculation of the mathematic model,Summarize and put forward high yield,high quality and high efficiency in the balanced fertilization key measures of Chinese angelica.Net N per hectare:255kg, P2O5:135kg,KO2:60kg the output is 55.6%higher than the compared one.The germinate of first-rate Chinese angelica is improved about 9.2%,the caput germinate of Chinese angelica improved about 6.1%,the net income is 9791.1Yuan/hm2.The rate of the stub without diseases is improved 2.7%.Has the stable economic effect of increasing production in the cultivation of Chinese angelica.This agriculture technique set has the stable economic effect of increasing production in the cultivation of Chinese angelica,and can be popularized in the same natural condition areas.

  • 【分类号】S567.239
  • 【下载频次】198

