

Standardization of Domestic Animals Breeding-base in Agriculture Area of Urumqi County

【作者】 雷春玲

【导师】 王子荣; 季跃光;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 养殖业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 畜牧业标准化是畜牧业现代化发展的必由之路。我国加入世贸组织后,与国际接轨,实施标准化势在必行。本论文通过在新疆首府乌鲁木齐市乌鲁木齐县城郊农区选择11个村,建立11个标准化养殖区及2个畜禽产地批发交易市场,涉及奶牛、良种猪、肉牛、肉羊、肉鸽及珍禽等品种,以畜牧业科学技术和实践经验为基础,运用简化、统一、协调、优选的原理,把科研成果和先进的技术转化为标准。以饲养小区为载体,通过统一品种、统一用料、统一用药、统一管理和统一销售,推行标准化生产,实现从养殖环境、规划设计、畜舍设施、畜禽品种、生产工艺、饲养管理、饲料营养、环境监控、兽医防疫体系及兽药使用规程到养殖废弃物处理、产品加工、运输、销售等的标准化生产。在不断总结、不断提高、不断完善的基础上,通过实践探索出一条适合本地区的标准化之路。并树点立标,建立起科学的、高效益的、可持续发展的优良品种引进繁育体系、标准化生产经营管理体系。做到建设有规划,生产有规模,质量有标准,市场有监测,来加速乌鲁木齐县农区畜牧业标准化建设,发展高效畜牧业,取得好的经济效益和社会效益,以应对入世竞争,提高农牧民收入。项目已争取资金60多万元,正在实施中。

【Abstract】 Animal husbandry standardization is an essential way of modernized development of the animal husbandry. After our country joined World Trade Organization and connected with international rails, It is imperative to implement standardization. This thesis, through choosing 11 villages in the agricultural districts in the county of Urumqi of the capital city of Urumqi of Xinjiang, sets up 11 standardization cultivating areas and 2 beasts and birds’ producing areas and sells the trade market in batches, involving such assortment as cow , improved variety pig , meat beef sheep , the pigeon for meat and rare bird ,etc, based on animal husbandry science and technology and practical experience, uses the principle of simplifying , unifying , coordinating , optimum seeking to turn the scientific findings and advanced technology into standards. Regard raising the district as carriers, through unifying variety, unified materials, using medicine in unison, unified management and selling in unison, carrying out production for standardization, realizes from the environment of cultivating , planning and design, the animal shed facilities, beasts and birds assortment, production technology, improving management, fodder nutrition , environmental monitoring , veterinarian epidemic prevention system and animal remedy use rules, cultivate offal treatment , products processing , transportation , standardization of person who sell produce. In the foundation of constantly summarizes, enhances, consummates, through the practice we explores this standardization road which suits to local development. And sets up the sign, establishes the scientific, high benefit, continued development improved seed introduction breeding system, the standardized production management system. We makes sure the construction to have been planned, the production to have been scaled, the quality to have been standarded, the market to have been monitored, accelerates the animal husbandry standardization construction in agriculture area of Urumqi county, the development of high effective animal husbandry, obtains the good economic efficiency and the social efficiency, deals with the world competition, enhances the income of peasant and herdsman.

  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】288

