

Study on the School of Yusi from the Historical and Aesthetic Perspective

【作者】 黄嫣

【导师】 王嘉良;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 语丝派是中国现当代文学史上非常重要的文学流派。以鲁迅、周作人、林语堂等为代表的语丝派作家,以散文创作为特色,在中国思想文化革命、新文学创造上做出了重要建树。迄今为止,对语丝派的研究虽已取得了一定成果,但仍有不少值得探究与开拓的空间。本文拟按恩格斯关于“历史观点与美学观点”相一致的批评方法和评价标准,力求在中国现代文学史的发展历程中对该流派的整体面貌进行考察与分析,尽可能挖掘长期以来被研究界遮蔽甚至是误读的东西。 论文的主体部分分为上下两篇。上篇从历史视野观照语丝派,认为语丝派是“五四”落潮以后最为纯正地承续了“五四”精神的文学派别。他们自觉地以“五四”的启蒙精神为纽带将开展广泛的社会批评、文明批评作为自身在思想文化领域承担的最为重要的历史任务,以“五四”开创的平民意识为价值指归创建起亲和民众的平民知识分子文化立场,以“五四”的自由精神为内核构建起现代知识分子不主附和的铮铮铁骨,是名副其实的虔诚的“五四”之子。 下篇从审美的角度分析语丝派作家的审美创造——语丝文体。文章从语丝文体的审美特质、内外生成机质、多样格局及其开创性意义这三个方面探询了语丝派作家创作实绩的美学价值及其文学史意义。

【Abstract】 Yusi is in modern China the first journal on prose in Chinese style, which paves the first way for the production of prose and critical literature in modern China. The School of Yusi is a prominent school in the modern and contemporary history of literature, and it is represented by such a group of famous writers and great masters as Lu Xun(Zhou Zuo-ren), Zhou zuo-ren(Lu Xun’s brother), Lin Yutang etc. It features in the production of Chinese prose, which has a further influence upon the ideology, culture and the cause of revolution in modern China. So far, the study concerned has borne abundant fruits, but still some questions are left unsolved. This paper gives an overall review of the school in the development of Chinese modern and contemporary literature, analyses it by means of similar critical ways and assessment standard with the historical and aesthetic viewpoint proposed by Angels, and digs up something concealed and even mis-read by the academe.The geneses and framework have been given in the introduction part. The body of this paper is in two sections. The first section analyses the cultural visage from the perspective of history study. In a historical viewpoint, the School of Yusi was born and prospered driven by and under the influence of the May Fourth Movement, so it is a literature school which inherited the spirit of this movement in an all-round way. Inspired by the spirit of enlightenment of the movement, they shouldered consciously the most important historical responsibility in ideology to develop the social and civilization criticism far and wide, and they set up successfully a civilian-oriented cultural standpoint under the further influence of the sense of civilian put forward first by the movement, and they regarded the liberalism spirit of the movement as the core of modern intellectuals with an image of independent and moral integrity, so they are virtually the son of the spirit of the movement.The second section analyses by means of text analysis the masters’ aesthetic reproduction of the unique style of Yusi, and this part probes into the aesthetic and literature values of what the School of Yusi achieved, from such three aspects as the aesthetic idiosyncrasy, the inside-and-outside generative mechanism, diversified pattern and inauguratory significances. The conclusive part sums up the historical significances of the School of Yusi.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】145

