

The Experiment Research for the Teaching Order of Two Tennis Basic Stroke Technology

【作者】 张立营

【导师】 李正荣;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:网球运动是于十九世纪后期,由英、法、美等国的商人和传教士传入我国的。国内体育院校及各种高等院校开展网球课程的时间大约为十几年,网球底线正反手(双手反手)击球技术是网球技术中的核心和基本技术,是提高网球整体技术水平的必备基石。为了达到较为快速、均衡的掌握正手及双手反手击球技术和综合发展学生身心的目的,我们有必要对网球技术课正反手击球技术的教学方法和手段进行一定的创新、尝试和改革。本研究将传统的正反手击球技术的顺向的教学顺序改变为,反常规的逆向的教学顺序;结合运用现代体育教学改革的成果(比如被实践证明了的教学方法、手段和教学模式等),使学生能够较为快速、均衡的掌握网球正手和双手反手击球技术。并且通过教学实验研究,来验证运用逆向的网球正手和双反手击球技术教学方法的教学效应和可行性。研究方法:本文运用文献资料法、专家访问法(又称专家问卷调查法)、教学实验法、数理统计法、对比分析法等多种方法相结合,对逆向的网球正手和双手反手击球技术教学方法的教学效应以及运用的可行性展开实验研究。主要结论:1.采用常规的、顺向的教学顺序(先学习正手击球技术后学习双手反手击球技术)有利于有效的掌握正手击球技术,但不利于双手反手击球技术有效的掌握。2.采用“先学习双手反手击球技术后学习正手击球技术”的教学方法,利于有效的掌握双手反手击球技术,对正手击球技术的有效掌握也会产生良性的影响。3.通过对两种不同的网球正手和双手反手击球技术教学顺序的研究和对比分析,综合评价:“先学习双手反手击球技术后学习正手击球技术”的教学方法既有利于网球底线正手和双手反手击球技术的较为快速的平衡掌握,也有利于网球课教学目的的实现和学生的身心健康的发展。

【Abstract】 The purpose of reserch: The tennis movement is passed on to our country by England merchants, France merchants and America merchants and the missionary in the late 19th century. The tennis movement curriculum has developed about ten years in our domestic sports colleges and universities. There are some obvious distance of many students’technology of forehand stroke and backhand stroke, the learn of baseline forehand stroke and backhand stroke technology is extremely unbalanced. For varying this tennis technology class teaching situation of universities as soon as possible, this article profits from the method of negative thinking in the utilization sports teaching and presents some challenge attempts to the order of the technical forehand stroke and backhand stroke of conventional tennis teaching, proposing the teaching method " to study the technology of both hands backhandedly stroke firstly and then to study the technology of forehand stroke ".Research methods: This article utilizes the literature review, the expert visits law (also called expert questionnaire survey law), teaching research method, mathematical statistic law, contrast analytic method. Main conclusions:1 Using the conventional teaching order (to study the technology of forehand stroke firstly and then to study the technology of both hands backhandedly stroke) is to be advantageous of the quickly learning of the forehand technology, but isn’t advantageous of both hands backhandedly stroke technology.2 Using the teaching method "to study the technology of both hands backhandedly stroke firstly and then to study the technology of forehand stroke" is advantageous of the quickly learning of the both hands backhandedly stroke technology, and don’t have anything disadvantages effect for study.3 Through the research and the contrast analysis of the two different tennis

  • 【分类号】G845
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1365

