

Investigation of Dual Space Vector Modulation on Matrix Converter

【作者】 姜鹏志

【导师】 张华强;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 矩阵变换器作为一种通用电源变换装置,可以方便实现n相到m相变换。该变换器能够产生可控的正弦输出电压和单位功率因数的输入电流;无中间储能环节、能量可双向传递一次变换、动态响应快;采用不同控制算法,可实现整流、逆变、变频、斩波等功能。因此,利用电力电子技术、计算机技术和控制理论的研究成果,开发一种对电网无污染、四象限运行的高质量交流变频电源,成为从事电力电子分析与控制学者研究的热点。本文首先分析了矩阵变换器的等效交-直-交结构,推导出了矩阵变换器交-交直接变换控制规律,即采用输出线电压空间矢量调制和输入相电流空间矢量调制相结合的双空间矢量调制策略,该方法可使矩阵变换器输入电流正弦变化,输入侧功率因数角可正负调节,输出正弦的交流电压,有效抑制低阶谐波,是一种很有发展前途的控制策略。文中以DSP(数字信号处理器)为核心构造了矩阵变换器控制系统的硬件实验平台,主电路部分的9个双向开关由IGBT和二极管反并联组成,采用四步换流法实现双向开关的安全切换,这样既防止出现使电源发生短路的开关组合,又保证在任意时刻给负载电流提供至少一条通路,采用复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD实现四步换流。分析了矩阵变换器无功功率的传递、控制以及功率双向流动等问题,从理论上深化了对矩阵变换器能量变换机理的认识,指出了输入无功功率存在一定的调节范围;讨论了矩阵变换器能量双向流动的控制问题,指出不同负载情况下矩阵变换器同电源间的能量交换表现出不同的性质,说明了能量回馈是矩阵变换器的自然特性。本文对矩阵变换器基本原理、控制策略、开关换流、应用范围等基本问题进行了初步研究。通过理论分析、计算机仿真和实验验证得出了一些有意义的经验和结论,对矩阵变换器的进一步研究具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 MC (Matrix Converter) as one type of general power converter, can realize n phase to m phase voltage conversion。It can provide sinusoidal output voltages with varying amplitude and frequency, at the same time, drawing sinusoidal input currents with unity power factor. Moreover, it can render bi-directional power flow without energy storage components except small AC filters for elimination of switching ripples By means of changing the control algorithm, the MC functions as rectifier, inverter, converter, etc. Moreover, according to the research achievement of electronics, computer science and Control Theory,high quality of four-quadrant operation of Variable Frequency Power without power grid pollution will probably be achieved. As a result, due to above mentioned characteristics, MC attracts many researchers’interests to investigate on power conversion by means of different new technical issues.First, The equivalent structure of the AC-DC-AC conversion is analyzed. Then the AC-AC direct transformation control rule of matrix converter is deduced by adopting the dual space vector control strategy of MC, which is combined output line voltage space vector modulation and input phase current space vector modulation. This method meets the demand of input sinusoidal current and output sinusoidal voltages. The input side positive and negative power factor angle are adjusted arbitrary. low harmonic is suppressed in a degree. The strategy is advanced in the future.The hardware experiment plat of matrix converter control system is build based on DSP. The main circuit consists of nine bi-directional switches, There are two IGBTs and two diodes in every bi-directional switch. The four-step commutation is introduced to achieve security commutation between switches. This strategy can be carried out with CPLD to prevent the source short and the load open.The reactive power transferring, controlling and bi-directional power flowing of matrix converter is also discussed in this thesis. It indicates that input reactive power has a variable range. The energy transforming mechanics of

  • 【分类号】TM46
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】408

