

The Research on Determining the Patent Litigation in the Infringement Liability Issues

【作者】 赵学强

【导师】 汪炜;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在各类知识产权中,专利权基于其包容的技术因素,社会和经济价值最为突出。专利价值凸现的同时,专利纠纷也大量增加,如何处理好这一矛盾,有效解决专利纠纷,打击专利侵权行为,保护专利权人利益,成为摆在我们面前的现实问题。专利纠纷既可以通过诉讼方式,也可以通过非诉讼方式解决。诉讼方式作为保障权利人的最后屏障,具有不可替代的作用,对专利诉讼中的具体问题进行研究也就具有了重要的理论和实践价值。 专利侵权民事诉讼与一般的民事诉讼不同,它既涉及到法律问题,又涉及到技术问题,因而案件的处理具有更强的专业性。正确处理专利侵权诉讼案件,维护专利权人和利害关系人的合法权益,成为专利保护中的重要问题。我国《专利法》及其相关司法解释对诉讼管辖、当事人确认、举证责任承担、侵权认定、损害赔偿等方面均有专门规定,在现实中已经产生重要作用,但在程序设计和司法实践中仍存在一些缺陷,有待进一步完善。 本文以专利侵权民事责任在诉讼中确定问题为研究对象,以系统的观点为指导,以比较法的视野进行对比分析,采用了理论阐述与建立数学模型相结合的方式进行研究。本文首先论述了专利权、专利侵权的认定和救济等基本问题,将诉讼中确定专利侵权民事责任的特点归纳为客体广泛性、司法干预性、法官主导性、程序保障性和证据严谨性五大方面。在此基础上,系统分析了专利侵权诉讼中各类主体的确认和权义;专利侵权判定原则的选择和举证责任的承担;研究了专利侵权民事损害赔偿的原则、范围、数额的确定和适用条件。本文关于精神损害赔偿和惩罚性赔偿金方面的研究,突破了原有的理论限制,对促进我国专利侵权责任制度的完善,充分保护专利权人的利益,具有较强的理论和实践运用价值;所采用的模型分析方法对法学研究有一定的借鉴意义。 借鉴国内外理论研究成果和实践经验,针对我国专利侵权民事责任确定中存在的问题,本文提出了保证我国专利侵权责任制度有效运行的对策建议:在立法上,要提高定额赔偿的立法层次,加大赔偿基数,以适应市场经济发展的变化;增加精神损害赔偿,保障对专利权人的赔偿最大化:确定惩罚性赔偿金,对专利侵权行为予以打击:对侵权判定原则、损害赔偿原则适用的条件和顺序进行细化,实现判定的公正性;完善技术鉴定和评估制度,保证判定的准确性。在执法上,应端正执法思想,防止利益驱动;转变执法观念,避免长官意志,实现公平执法。

【Abstract】 In various types of intellectual property, patent rights are the most prominent social and economic value on its inclusive technical factors. Along with highlights of the franchise value raise a lot of patent disputes, how to handle the contradiction have become the practical problems that we are facing. Patent disputes not only can be resolved through litigation, but also through non-litigation. Litigation as a means to protect human rights and the final barrier still play an irreplaceable role conduct research on the specific actions, it has an important theoretical and practical values as well.By comparing the patent right infringement civil procedure with the general civil procedure, it both involves to the legal matter and involves to the technical question, thus case processing has a stronger specialization. The correct processing patent right infringement lawsuit case, maintaining the patentee and the formidable sponsor’s legitimate rights and interests, becomes in the patent protection the important topic. There have some special regulations about the lawsuit jurisdiction the litigant determining, presenting evidence the responsibility, stopping infringement, damage compensation in our country "Patent Law" and the correlation judicial interpretation, but still had some flaws in the programming and the judicial practice, waited for further consummate.The research on determining the patent litigation in the tort liability issues takes the system viewpoint as the instruction, carries on the contrast analysis by the comparison test field of vision, uses the theory to elaborate and the establishment mathematical model unified the way conducting the research. The article elaborated the patent, patent right infringement recognizing with the relief firstly, specially analyzed to determine the patent right infringement civil liability in the lawsuit which have five major characteristics: the wide object, the judicial intervention, the judge’s leadership, the procedure safeguard and the strict evidence. In this foundation, it systematic analysis each kind of main body confirmation and power righteousness in patent infringement lawsuit; the patent infringement determination principle’s choice , the responsibility of presenting evidence; this article has studied the patent infringement civil damage compensate principle, the scope, the amount determination

  • 【分类号】D923.42;D925.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】215

