

A Study on Raising the Students’ Vocational Ability of Higher Vocational Colleges

【作者】 汤向玲

【导师】 高桂娟;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高等职业教育(简称高职)是高等教育的重要组成部分,但随着高职教育的发展,很多问题逐渐显现,其中最主要的问题是高职教育的办学特色不鲜明,高职院校学生的职业能力不强,导致社会对高职人才的认同度不高。 职业能力是指从事某种职业必须具备的,并在该职业活动中表现出来的多种能力的综合。职业能力的内容包括基本职业能力和综合职业能力两个层次。影响高职院校学生职业能力培养的因素主要有对职业能力的内涵没有正确理解、学生自身因素、教师因素、实践与环境因素等。由于受“学而优则仕”、“劳心者治人,劳力者治于人”等传统思想观念的影响,我国鄙薄职业技术教育的思想根深蒂固,把高职教育看成是普通高等教育的附庸。为此,本研究由进一步探讨高职教育的本质为起点,参照社会人才类型及高职人才主要从事的职业岗位,对高职院校人才培养进行了定位分析。在上述分析的基础上,本文认为职业能力的培养应是高职院校人才培养的着力点,应以职业能力为中心进行人才培养。 提高高职院校学生职业能力的应对措施主要包括以下四个方面:其一应转变传统教育观念、确定职业定向,主要包括树立符合时代发展的新教育观,贯彻终身职业教育思想,等等;其二应加强“双师型”教师队伍建设。对于大量已经达到大学学历的高职教师来说,可通过加强实践教学环节提高他们的专业实践技能和技术开发能力、进行双师能力培训及建立师资培训基地这几方面来加强对他们的职业培训。由于目前高职教师的结构存在不合理现象,通过提高高职教师的学历层次、改善其职称结构,拓宽高职教师的来源渠道,并借鉴国外经验,加大高职院校双师型教师数量并增强他们的实践能力来优化高职教师的结构,等等;其三应完善实践教学环节,包括针对职业岗位需求改革课程体系,实施“宽基础、活模块”的课程模式,建立适合高职教育发展要求的实训基地,走产学研结合之路等对策;其四实施“双证”沟通体系。我国高职院校实施“双证”沟通体系已具备了一些条件,但在实施中两者尚未实现有机的融合及良性互动。在借鉴发达国家成功经验的基础上,提出了以“宽基础、活模块”课程体系为纽带构建具有中国特色的“双证”沟通体系。

【Abstract】 Higher Vocational Education, hereafter referred to HVE, is an important part of higher education in our country. But with the development of HVE, many problems have appeared gradually, a key problem in which is lack of remarkable characteristics and the students’ vocational ability of higher vocational colleges is not strong, which leads to despise HVE’ s talented persons.Vocational ability is many abilities’ synthesis, which must have it in being engaged in some kind of profession and display in professional activities. The contents of vocational ability include basic and comprehensive vocational ability. The influence factors on raising the students’ vocational ability of higher vocational colleges include incorrectly understanding vocational ability’s connotation, students’ own factors, teacher factors, practical and environmental factors, and so on. Because of the influence on traditional thought idea, the thoughts of despising vocational and technical education are ingrained in China, and people look on HVE as the part of general higher education. So this study analysis talents-raising’ s location of higher vocational colleges, at the beginning of discussing the essence of HVE thoroughly and at the reference of society’s talents type and the main profession posts engaged by HVE’ s talents. On the base of above analysis, this thesis think vocational ability’s raising should be stress point of talents-raising in higher vocational colleges, and higher vocational colleges should carry on talents-raising at the center of vocational ability.The countermeasures of enhancing the students’ vocational ability of higher vocational colleges mainly include four aspects, as follows: Firstly, transforming traditional educational idea and determining professional direction, mainly include setting up new educational idea correspondence with the development of time, implementing vocational education thoughts in students’ lifelong , and so on . Secondly , strengthening the construction of double-professionally-titled teachers. Regarding to a lot of university education HVE’ s teachers, strengthening their professional training through these aspects, such as practical teaching link, double-professionally-ability training, establishing teachers’ training base. Because of the structure of HVE’ s teachers are unreasonable presently, we can optimize the structure through enhancing teachers’ education level, improve their title, expanding their coming channel, and using foreign experience to increase their quantity, and so

  • 【分类号】G718.5
  • 【被引频次】39
  • 【下载频次】2294

