

Research on Growing Basis Material for Eco-protection of Rocky Slope

【作者】 胡双双

【导师】 陈静曦;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 公路、铁路、水利、矿山开采等工程建设需要开挖大量的边坡,边坡的开挖破坏了原有植被覆盖层,导致大量的次生裸地以及产生严重的水土流失现象,造成生态环境的严重失衡。采用生态护坡技术对边坡进行生态治理是实现边坡生态恢复,防止水土流失的重要手段,以此为基础的理论和技术研究非常有必要。 由于岩质边坡的生态特点,对岩质边坡进行生态治理一直是一个难题。近年来,我国有关学者开发出了适用于高陡岩质边坡的生态基材护坡技术,具有广阔的应用前景。该技术的核心是生态基材的配制,本文借鉴前人的研究成果,通过室内试验对生态基材的配制及其性质进行了深入研究,拟为工程实践提供技术方法以及理论依据,所做主要工作及成果如下: (1) 根据对生态基材的功能分析,本文确定了配制生态基材的组分,包括土壤、有机肥、水、粘合剂、改良剂、保水剂、缓释肥、植物种子、pH调节剂9种组分,并通过对基材各组分的性质测试和作用分析,为各组分选定了合适的具体材料。 (2) 通过对工程实例以及前人成果的分析,提出了考察基材配制是否合理的指标,包括植物的发芽率、植物生长状况、基材的收缩性、基材抗旱性、基材强度五项指标,并筛选出基材中粘合剂、有机肥、改良剂和保水剂四个组分作为指标的可能影响因素,首次采用多指标多因素正交试验设计配制生态基材及相应的样本。 (3) 通过对试验样本和对比样本的植物发芽率、植物生长状况、基材抗压强度、基材收缩性和基材抗旱性等测试,得到了各样本的试验结果。并对试验所测的基础数据进行了极差分析和方差分析,找出了各个指标的显著性影响因素。 (4) 结合极差分析、方差分析和影响因素图,分析了基材各指标随因素变化的规律和趋势。最后通过综合平衡法,确定了基材较合理的配比范围。 (5) 通过实验对所配制基材的酸碱性、基材的物理结构、基材养分、基材的抗雨水侵蚀性进行了较全面的分析。结果表明所配基材的理化性质适合植物生长,并具有较好的抗侵蚀性。

【Abstract】 A great many of slopes are excavated owing to infrasture constructions, e.g. highway, railway, water and electricity engineering, mine exploitation, the excavation destroys the original vegetation and leads to a lot of naked land and serious soil loss. Consequently, the ecology balance is broken up. Slope eco-protection technology, regarded as an important way to restore and protect the damaged environment, has been widely applied. thus it is necessary to further the related theory and the engineering research.Eco-protection on rocky slope is difficult to be realized for its own ecological characteristics. Recently a new kind of protection technology, e.g. spraying growing basis material, which can be applied to high and steep rocky slope has been invented in China, and the development of growing basis material is the main subject. This thesis, aiming to improve the rocky slope ecological technology, chose growing basis material as research object and some studies were done through experiments.(1) The suitable materials were chosen for each component to combine a new type of growing basis material though characteristic test and analysis of function of each component, the components included soil, organic fertilizer, water, cement, improver, water retaining material, slowing releasing fertilizer, pH buffering dose and seeds.(2) Taking plant’s growth condition, compressive strength of growing basis material and its shrinkage and drought combating ability as the judging targets, several uncertain but maybe important materials, i.e. organic fertilizer, cement, improver, water retaining material as the influencing factors, an orthogonal experiment was designed to combine the experimental specimens, which provided a scientific and reasonable method to choose growing basis material.(3) Though the tests, the results of each target were obtained. By max-min difference and variance analysis, the remarkably influencing factors of each judging target were finded out.(4) The rules and trends of index varing with obvivous factors were attained. Moreover, the reasonable range of each component quantities was concluded by the comprehensive balancing method.

  • 【分类号】TU43
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】525

