

Studies in the Composing Mode of Mid-Inner Mongolia Prairie Habitation Areas

【作者】 谢威

【导师】 刘铮;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古工业大学 , 建筑设计及理论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,草原生态建设一直是内蒙古中部草原地区的重点课题,大量的背景原因使我对内蒙古草原地区的住区越来越关注,面对新世纪,在畜牧区调整产业结构、住区重组、政府组织移民之际,研究草原生态住区构成模式,实现保护草原人居环境、充分利用草原资源、使“草原—聚居区—社会—经济”各方面协调发展。本论文是参与了国家自然科学基金资助项目“内蒙古草原生态聚居模式与生态民居体系研究”(项目批准号:50468001)在草原生态住区方面的研究。以四子王旗乌兰花镇为中心对其周边的生态移民点以及查干补力格苏木、红格尔苏木、乌兰哈达苏木等几个农牧结合区和纯牧区的住区以及周边生态环境进行实地调研,详细了解当地人民的生产生活现状和需求,并结合当地实际情况与生态可持续发展的需要,运用人居环境科学、建筑模式语言、生态建筑学等相关理论,探索能够使草原实现可持续发展的多级住区构成模式以及结构组成。在对查干补力格、乌兰哈达的住区构成设计中,首先重新定位住区发展模式,然后分别从自然生态系统、住区生产系统、住区生活系统、决策监控系统四个方面讨论住区的构成模式。在草原生态住区研究的起步阶段,设计成果与村镇规划学科研究所提出的草原区域生态规划理论以及建筑技术学科研究所得出的成果共为一体给草原生态建设以有力的理论支持,真正有效地推动当地生态、社会、经济、文化等各方面的健康持续发展。

【Abstract】 In recent years, ecological construction is the key point of mid-Inner Mongolia prairie. Large amount of reasons make us to focus on the habitation of Inner Mongolia. In new century, changes took place in working, housing and managing, in order to catch up with those changes we have to study in the mode of habitation in new situation. We try to find some way in protecting the environment of human settlement and make full use of the resource, and all these works aim at the harmonious development of prairie, habitation, society and economy.This thesis is participated in the National Natural Science foundation project-“Study in Ecological Habitation mode and Folk Housing system of Inner Mongolia prairie”(authorized number:50468001), and focus on the habitation.Our study is based on investigation in SiZiWangQi. The range of a few region of integrating agriculture and herbage or region of herbage around the WuLanHua (the center of SiZiWangQi), such as: ChaGanBuLiGe, HongGeer, WuLanHaDa etc. are investigated. Then, based on the investigation and the theory of human settlements, architectural mode language, ecological building, we try to find a new way for the habitation structure.In the habitation structure design of ChaGanBuLiGe and WuLanHaDa, first we discuss the mode of habitation area, and then demonstrate the composing from four aspects which are nature, working, living and managing. At the beginning of research on habitation in prairie, together with other research our study will take part in the ecological construction in prairie, and will be an academic support for the development of ecology, society, economy and culture in Inner Mongolia.

  • 【分类号】TU982.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】172

