

A Study on the Development Strategy of Shenzhen Jianyi Project Management Company

【作者】 周婷婷

【导师】 陆惠民; 魏鄂仲;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 论文的研究目的是研究深圳建艺监理有限责任公司的发展战略问题。企业发展战略指导企业未来长期的经营行为,对企业的长远发展有现实的指导意义。决定企业采取何种发展战略的影响因素很多,不仅有行业的因素,企业自身的因素,还受竞争对手、行业内其他企业发展战略的影响。论文结合深圳建艺监理公司的具体实际进行各因素的分析,探寻指导建艺监理公司长远发展的企业发展战略。论文在论述的过程中主要运用了外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵,内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵,SWOT矩阵等方法。论文首先扼要的介绍了我国建设工程监理发展的历史,剖析了工程建设监理市场的现状,指出监理企业中存在的典型问题;接着对深圳建艺监理有限公司的发展历程和现状进行了详尽的描述。运用战略发展的理论原理系统地对监理行业的生存环境进行了外部宏观环境分析和行业环境分析,揭示出外部环境变化带来的机会和威胁。结合公司的内部环境因素,指出公司在业务经营、组织架构、人力资源管理、取费水平等方面存在的问题,并对产生这些问题的原因进行了分析;最后采用SWOT矩阵,建立深圳建艺监理有限公司的可选战略,在此基础上确定了公司的战略目标,并有针对性的提出相应的具体实施措施。本文的创新点在于:1、立足我国国情,用战略发展理论来讨论微观监理企业战略的对策。2、指出深圳建艺建设监理公司应重视增值服务的扩展和企业文化建设。

【Abstract】 This thesis centers in a study on the development strategy of ShenZhen Jianyi project Management Company. Development strategy of the enterprise can direct it’s management in long-term. There are many factore to be taken into consideration in deciding what development strategy enterprise take .Such as:industry ,enterprise itself, and competitors’development strategy . The thesis is searching Shenzhen Jianyi project management company’development strategy from the factual knowledge .The main research tools: the analysis of PEST external factors,Michael Poter’s Five factors Model,IFE matrix,EFE matrix,and SWOT matrix.In the first place, the thesis outline our nation’s history and the existing circumstance of project supervision; Then the thesis describes the development history and present situation of Shenzhen Jianyi Project Management Limited Company. Based on the information provided,the author systematically analyses the macro environment and industry environment of Jianyi Ltd, reveals opportunities and threats caused by extemal environmental factors. The thesis introduces prevailing information of the company e.g. the business management, the organizational structure,human resource management,fares level. And analying the reason which cause the problem. Finally, the author determines the company’s alternative strategies based on the SWOT matrix. Establishing strategic goal and practical measures.The innovation exists in: 1.Based on realities of the country ,the thesis studies the development strategy of individual enterprise.2.It is meaningful for Shenzhen Jianyi Project Management Limited to attach importance to value added service and corporate culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.92
  • 【下载频次】206

