

Theoretical Research on the Limit Value of Width-Thickness Ratio of the Plate of H Section Steel of the Steel Reinforced Concrete Column

【作者】 陈海洲

【导师】 单建;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 结构工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 型钢混凝土组合结构构件(SRC)是把型钢埋入钢筋混凝土中的一种独立的结构形式。型钢混凝土组合结构构件是由型钢、主筋、箍筋及混凝土组合而成,即核心部分有型钢结构构件,其外部则以箍筋约束并配置适当纵向受力主筋的混凝土结构。从《型钢混凝土组合结构技术规程》中可以看到:型钢截面的宽厚比的限值,包括腹板的高厚比和翼缘的宽厚比,其具体来源,《型钢混凝土组合结构技术规程》条文说明中明确是参考日本的经验,在高层钢结构的宽厚比限值的基础上乘以1.8~2.0的系数得到。本文尝试用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS对SRC结构构件的板件进行大量的算例分析,从而拟合出一个简单计算SRC中板件的宽厚比限值的公式。具体工作如下:1、对焊接H型钢柱板件的临界荷载进行分析,利用ANSYS软件进行求解,将所得结果,与用理论公式得到的结果进行比较,得出一个合理的简化建模方法。2、用ANSYS对四边简支矩形板的临界力进行求解,与理论结果进行比较,得到两者的误差。肯定用ANSYS软件进一步分析的可行性。用ANSYS软件分析由于侧向支撑而带来的临界荷载的变化,得出各种横向支撑情况下的屈曲行为,为下一步考虑型钢与混凝土之间的滑移来模拟型钢与混凝土的共同工作打下基础。3、考虑接触,利用ANSYS对SRC构件进行稳定分析。考虑型钢与混凝土的滑移,得到考虑滑移后的临界应力。再与规范相比,得出考虑混凝土和型钢的滑移时混凝土对型钢的板件宽厚比限值的贡献。简要拟合出一个公式,期望能为工程设计提供一个参考。4、考虑接触,进行SRC构件的整体极限承载力的分析。通过算例与试验结果进行验证,从而对ANSYS的建模及有限元计算方法的结果精度进行分析。

【Abstract】 The steel reinforced concrete member is a sole structure form composed of H section steel and reinforced concrete. SRC member consists of H section steel, rebar, hoop and concrete. H section steel is in the core of the member and encompassed by reinforced concrete. We can see the limit value of the width-thickness in the code Technical specification for steel reinforced concrete composite structures, include web and flange. However the source of the limit value is multiplied by 1.8~2 on the basis of the limit value of width-thickness ratio, which is regulated in the code Technical specification for steel structure of tall buildings, according to some experiences in Japan. In this paper lots of samples are solved with the finite element program ANSYS. A simple formula is simulated simply from the results of those samples. The primary content of the study includes:(1)The theory analysis of the critical load of the plat of H section steel column is made. And the critical load is solved with FEM ANSYS. Then the two results are compared in order to obtain a correct method making FEM mode with FEM ANSYS.(2)The critical loads of some simple supported rectangular plates on four sides are analyzed with FEM ANSYS and are compared with the theory results. The feasibility of the analysis with FEM ANSYS is appraised. Some plates with different lateral supported situations are analyzed with FEM ANSYS to obtain their critical loads as well as corresponding buckling configurations, in order to make a basis to analyze some SRC members.(3)The stability analyses on the webs of SRC members are made under the consideration of the contact between the H section steel and reinforced concrete. The critical stresses of the webs of SRC members are obtained with the consideration of the contact. The promotional extent of the limit value of the width-thickness ratio is found after they are compared with the code. A simple formula is simulated from the results of those samples, in order to supply a consult to design buildings.(4)Three total ultimate loads of SRC members are made with FEM ANSYS under the consideration of the contact between the H section steel and reinforced concrete. These results are compared with the results of some experiments made by some colleges. Hence the feasibility of the analysis with FEM ANSYS is confirmed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU398.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】125

