

The Study on the Fire Protection Design of Oversize-space Buildings

【作者】 樊湘红

【导师】 曹麻茹;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国建设的发展,大型公共建筑特别是超大空间建筑不断涌现,如大型体育馆、展览馆、会议中心、候机楼、飞机维修库等等,这些建筑与以往建筑相比更追求视觉上的通透性,具有技术现代化、规模大型化、建筑造型非标准化等特点。由此,这类超大空间建筑的防火设计也成为建筑设计的一大难题。本文根据超大空间建筑火灾产生的一般原理以及怎样控制火灾持续发生进行分析研究,结合设计实例,总结并论证国外超大空间建筑防火领域中的设计原则和方法,重点考虑"以防为主"的设计原则。通过分析和研究,在借鉴现有成熟规范的基础上,根据超大空间的特点,提出一个基本完整的超大空间建筑防火设计的体系。是对建筑防火设计理论的验证与趋于成熟的推动,呼吁更加重视超大空间建筑的防火设计。本文以减少超大空间建筑内的人员伤亡,降低财产损失为目标,对超大空间建筑的防火问题进行研究。研究的主要内容包括:超大空间建筑的性质及防火设计概况。从超大空间建筑的界定,探讨其发展以及火灾对其影响,深入研究其建筑对耐火构件的要求,以此来探寻控制火灾发生的火灾源。超大空间建筑的总平面布局和平面布置。从总体外环境深入讨论超大空间建筑的防火设计原则,分析建筑外环境防火设计的重要性及现实性。超大空间建筑内环境的防火设计。着重从防火分区、防火疏散及防火构造等内环境进行研究,提出一系列防火设计方法,作为具体防火设计的主要设计内容。设计实例的防火分析。针对已完成的工程,全面探讨防火设计方法,指导新的设计,为超大空间建筑防火设计规范的制修定提供具体的参考。

【Abstract】 As the development of our country, large-scale buildings especially the oversize-space buildings are emerging, according to large-scale gymnasiums, exhibition-halls, conference-centers, airport lounges, hangars etc. Compared with ancient buildings, these go in for more transparent, having the characteristic of modern technique, large size, and anomaly sculpt. Therefore, the fire protection design of the oversize-space buildings become a difficulty in the architecture design.On the basis of principle of produce fire disaster of oversize-space buildings and the way how to control continuance of fire, analyze with living example, summarize and demonstrate the design principle and design methods for fields of oversize-space buildings of fire protection. According to the specialty of oversize-space buildings, we bring out an almost integrate fire protection system, which is test promote of the theory of fire protection, appeal to pay attention to design of the fire protection.For the sake of less human casualty and reduce property lose, the article study on the oversize-space buildings. Major content of the studies:Nature of oversize-space buildings and general situation of the fire protection. From the definition of oversize-space buildings, inquire into its development and effect of fire, so deep into study of sore of construction and requires to fire-proof member, so as to seek how to control the source of fire.The overall plan arrangement and plan layout of oversize-space buildings. Go deep into the discussion of the fire protection design principle form the surroundings, analyses the surroundings of the buildings with living example. The importance and reality of fire protection design.Fire protection design inside space of oversize-space buildings. Discussing particularly in fire protection district and evacuation, put forward a series of design methods and make it as the major design content.Fire protection analyze of living design example. According to the real architecture design, discuss the methods of fire protection design and guide new design. Make referrence for the establishment of standardization on oversize-space buildings fire protection design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU201
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】892

