

Study and Development on Performance Management System of Zhuzhou Unicom Company

【作者】 余军

【导师】 周晖;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,电信业被推到了世界经济的最前沿,快速增长的电信市场成为全球瞩目的竞争焦点。中国电信业在发展和开放、引入竞争等方面所取得的成就,广泛为世界各国关注。11年来,中国联通在发展中迅速壮大,到现在已经颇具规模。截至2004年底,中国联通总资产达2263亿元;按用户数计算,中国联通目前是世界第三大移动运营商,拥有容量最大的CDMA网络以及世界第二大CDMA用户群。新形势下又面临着业务转型,竞争日渐激烈并趋激烈,企业的商业模式、运营机制、管理手段都将面临着创新,适应新一轮电信业的竞争。株洲联通公司作为其中的一个子公司发挥着重要的作用。株洲联通公司在深化企业体制改革的过程中导入并有效实施绩效管理具有十分积极和深远的意义。本文以株洲联通公司绩效管理体系为例,设计了完整的绩效管理体系和制度。如何通过有效的相关制度改善企业的绩效管理是论文的重点。本研究主要是采用案例研究法,有效收集了详细的材料,了解案例公司相关的问题,并分析了现行绩效制度的缺失,并配合相关文献、理论的学习和研究,着重研究了公司中层管理人员和开发人员的绩效考核方法、考核标准及考核指标,提出了适合株洲联通公司的“业绩+表现”的考核模式,构建了一套科学、客观、公正的绩效考核体系。在工作分析的研究中,本文提出了株洲联通公司管理人员和开发人员工作分析的原则、方法,以及实施步骤实施工作分析。在绩效考核体系的研究中,将绩效考核上升到绩效管理的高度,对绩效考核体系进行了总体规划。上述绩效考核的研究成果己应用于株洲联通公司。应用实践表明该研究可以有效地解决企业原有人事考核的问题,建立了现代企业的绩效考核体系,提高了企业的管理水平,增强了企业的市场竞争力。

【Abstract】 Telecom industry became the most active area recent years, and rapid growth of telecom market was the competition focus. The achievement, development, opening and existing competition was paid much attention.During past eleven years China Unicom have been developing and now on a large scale. Up to the end of 2004 the total assets reached 226.3 billion. According to the number of customers China Unicom ranks the third of telecom cooperation at present with the biggest CDMA web and the second number of CDMA user group in the world.Under the situation of business transformation competition becomes fiercer. To adapt to the need of competition, business mode, mechanism and administrative methods were facing innovation. Zhuzhou Unicom plays the important role as a subsidiary company. System reform and performance management will be significant. A complete performance management system and constition was created based on researches of Zhuzhou Unicom. The focus was put on improving performance management by creating related regulation.Case study was done including detailedly collecting, investigating problems, analyzing weakness of present performance management system and reading relative references. Middle-level managerial staff and developers were the core of study. A set of evaluation“performance+behavior”mode was created on the scientific, subjective and impartial basis.Principle, method and execution of job analysis were done. Performance evaluation was taken place by performance management. Performance management system was programmed as a whole.This research achievement has been applied to management of Zhuzhou Unicom. It showed that it can effectively solve problem existed before. It can improve management standard and strengthen competence by building effective performance evaluation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F626;F272
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】444

