

The Application of Cohesion and Coherence Theory to English Writing Teaching in High School

【作者】 周萍

【导师】 李发根;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 自从1976年韩礼德和哈桑发表《英语的衔接》一书以来,连贯这一概念受到越来越多的重视,各个流派的语言学家从各自的理论角度出发对连贯作出了不同的解释,使得连贯研究达到了一定的广度和深度。这一理论也被引入国内并受到国内众多学者的重视。然而篇章衔接理论在外语教学方面的应用却差强人意,特别是在高中英语写作教学方面的应用还有很多的空白。大部分的高中英语老师对于学生的篇章意识没有给予足够的重视。如何改变这种局面是当前广大高中英语教师面临的一个主要问题。为此,本研究以韩礼德和哈桑的衔接理论为理论依据,试图采用实验的手段,探索应用衔接理论改进高中英语写作教学。 首先,本文以对南昌铁路一中高二年级部分学生及英语教师的问卷调查基础上分析了目前中国高中英语写作教学的状况。调查结果显示大部分的教师和学生没有对写作中的篇章衔接理论给予应有的重视,且这个问题已经成为学生写作能力提高的障碍。在此基础上,本文提出了一个假设:将语篇衔接连贯理论应用到当前高中英语写作教学以提高学生英语写作水平。 然后本文对相关的衔接的理论做了文献综述。首先它对“篇章”以及“衔接”分别从篇章功能的角度下了定义,并且从语法衔接,词汇衔接及逻辑衔接构建该理论的理论框架。接着本文利用韩礼德和哈桑的译码统计方法,对部分学生所写的英语作文衔接错误进行分析。 如何将语篇衔接的理论应用到实际的高中英语写作教学中去是一个非常关键且较难的事情。本文作者在所执教的高二年级的两个班中进行了为期三个月的教学实验。两个班的练习数量基本相等,但练习侧重点不同。除常规的教学外,实验班侧重衔接知识的教授。实验的结果表明把衔接理论应用到写作教学后,学生在构建连贯篇章方面有较大的提高,从而证明应用语篇衔接与连贯理论指导目前高中英语写作教学有较好的效果。 最后对本文进行了总结,阐述了其局限性并同时对提高高中英语写作教学提出了自己的一些建议。

【Abstract】 Since the publication of Cohesion in English in 1976 by Halliday and Hasan, textual cohesion and coherence has become an important notion in text analysis, and has attracted growing attention from linguistics of different school. It has been introduced and studied widely in China and has aroused great interest of Chinese scholars. But unfortunately its application to foreign language teaching is by far not satisfactory, especially in foreign language writing teaching. Most of the teachers in high schools haven’t taken the cultivation of textual seriously. Consequently, how to change the situation in writing teaching is just one of the main issues the English teachers have to encounter in high schools. In this case, the thesis decided to engage in empirical study to improve the high school students’ writing. Halliday and Hasan’s theory, which had a major impact on the understanding and the teaching of cohesion, was employed in this study.Firstly, the thesis analyzes the current situation of English writing teaching and learning in high schools in China by means of a questionnaire conducted in Nanchang No.1 Railway Middle School. The results of the questionnaires show that cultivation of textual awareness has not been taken seriously by most of teachers in high schools in China and there exist many problems in their writing teaching and learning practice. The problems have become a great obstacle to the developing of students writing competence. Taking the factor into account, the thesis puts forward a hypothesis: apply the cohesion and coherence theory to the writing teaching and learning in high schools to improve the students’ English writing competence.Secondly, the thesis does a brief review of the relevant text coherence theories. It defines the concept of cohesion and coherence from the perspective of the textual function and presents a framework of the text coherence from the perspective of grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion and conjunction. Then the thesis analyzes the cohesion and coherence in Chinese students’ compositions by coding scheme and the errors in cohesion in students’ English writing.How to apply the text cohesion and coherence theories to the practice of writing

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】989

