

The Application of Hierarchical Network Model in Project Management of Manufacturing Corporation

【作者】 邹广子

【导师】 郑午;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工业工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着当今制造企业中项目管理问题的不断复杂化与巨型化,世界各国都对如何更好的实现制造企业的项目管理提出了新的要求,如何更好的实现项目工期、成本、资源等方面的最优化,对提高企业效益、促进企业发展、提高企业的适应能力与竞争能力,有着重要的作用。本文分析了当前制造企业项目管理中存在的工期、工期——费用等问题进而提出了相关的解决办法。并指出针对复杂的项目管理采取分层网络计划技术将会大大的简化问题的求解,对分解后的网络计划图,应用最短路理论与项目完工工期的随机理论,在Lingo软件中建立相关模型进行求解,然后将所有分解后的结果进行综合,得出整个项目的最优工期、工期——费用,以及最可能完工时间的概率等。最后综合考虑制造企业项目的实际情况及上述计算结果,确定各子项目及整个项目的工期和费用。达到优化项目管理,提高企业效益的目的。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly points to the problem of duration ,duration—cost etc in project management of manufacturing corporation.Make full use of related theory and method, analyse and optimize the duration and cost of the whole project, and confirm the final item plan. Achieve the goal of elevating the benefit and boosting up the competition of the manufacturing corporation.1. IntroductionThe problem of project management is the mainly problem the corporation facing nowadays, Especially in manufacturing corporation. facing the increasingly complicated project , how to prosecute project management well in order to realize the purpose of completing a project with the lowest cost and optimized duration is a problem that should be solved urgently. And through using hierarchial network plan based on software Lingo, all kinds of problems can be solved properly and they can provide the corporation with scientific suggestion .2. The application of network plan theoryThis chapter discusses history and actualities of network plan, and gives a comprehensive summarize of the technique network plan home and abroad, also gives the basic conception of network plan. The paper also studies systematically how to optimize the network plan and the content of the optimization. 3.Study on theory shortest path and project-completion duration and the application of software Lingo According to the problem of optimization of duration in network plan, the paper confirms the best duration and the critical path using the shortest path theory. And according to the random completed duration because of all kinds of restricting factors, it brings forward the theory of random completed duration. And confirm the probable completed duration using the random theory.At last, the usage of software Lingo can make the calculation and optimization of network plan much easier.4.The theory about decomposition of network model and study on hierarchical methodThis paper studies hierarchical decomposition of netwok plan, presents hierarchical principle and model, different hierarchy network’s relationship, method of calculation etc.5.Duration-Cost analysis of manufacturing corporation based on hierarchal

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】F406
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】435

