

The Management of Middle School Teaching Research

【作者】 张丽萍

【导师】 文新华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 进行中学教学研究的管理,是创建自主创新型国家、培养自主创新型人才、提高教学质量和促进教师专业化发展的需要。本研究以文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈法、个案调查法和比较研究法为主要研究方法,通过对哈尔滨市道里区700名教师开展教学研究的情况、13所学校进行中学教学研究管理的状况的调查,了解哈尔滨市中学教学研究及管理的基本现状。在实证的基础上,归类分析出中学教学管理中存在的主要问题以及这些问题之间的共性特征,并进行中学教学研究管理的理论分析及政策建议。 研究表明,中学教学研究管理中主要存在管理主体的问题、管理机制的问题和管理成效的问题,归纳起来,这些问题之间存在着共性特征:其一,中学教学研究管理指导思想存在偏差,主要表现在重成绩轻教学研究,将教学研究等同于应试研究,功利主义思想比较严重;其二,目前中学教学研究管理体制比较混乱,主要表现在两个方面。从教育行政管理看,行政性的管理制约了学校的自主性和积极性,多头管理使教学研究管理处于无序的状态;从学校内部管理看,科层制管理伤害了教师开展教学研究的积极性,职责不清使教学研究管理缺少经常化、制度化:其三,教学研究管理中重布置、轻服务,给教学研究的管理带来了一定的障碍。 针对以上问题,本研究提出如下政策建议:第一,澄清教学研究管理者对教学研究工作的认识,正确把握教学研究管理的目标定位问题、性质定位问题及教学研究与考试研究的关系问题。第二,实现学校教学研究管理体制的变革。从教育行政管理看,转变教育行政部门职能,从控制走向服务。实现教育行政部门的内部机构的整合,精简行政指令;从学校内部管理看,转变领导者的角色意识,让教学研究工作本身成为对教师的激励因素。第三,建立和完善学校教学研究管理制度,包括科研活动制度、科研培训制度、校本学习制度、评价奖励制度及研究成果的转化制度等。第四,建设教学研究管理的支持体系,为教师开展教学研究做好科研信息、专家指导、“有组织减负”等方面的支持与服务。 希望本研究能为教育行政部门的决策提供依据,为培训部门师资培训提供参考,为改善学校管理寻找一个突破口,以促进基础教育课程改革目标的实现。

【Abstract】 The management of middle school teaching research is needed in many aspects such as building an independent and creative country, cultivating independent and initiative talents, and improving teaching quality and promoting the optimizing of teaching staff. During writing this paper, I used many methods including reading documents, making surveys and interviews, individual case analysis, comparison and contrast etc. Through the survey of more than seven hundred teachers’ teaching research in DaoLi District, and that of thirteen schools’ management of teaching research, I learned the general situation of the management of teaching research in middle schools in Harbin. According to those surveys, I classified the main problems in middle school management of teaching research, generalized the common features of these problems, made theoretical analysis on it and offered suggestions.It proves that there is problem in the main body of management, managing system and the effect of management. The common features are generalized as follows: Firstly, there are problems in guiding ideas of middle school management of teaching research, such as emphasizing results and ignoring teaching research, equaling teaching research with exam-oriented research, the serious benthamism etc. Secondly, the managing system of middle school teaching research is a little confusing in two aspects---- the educational administration and the school management. The educational administration prevents schools from operating independently and actively; so many managing sections are remaining in the state of disorder. In school management, the dominating management discourages the teachers to make teaching research and the unclear assignment makes the management lack frequency and system. Thirdly, the management brings barriers to teaching research by emphasizing arrangement and ignoring service.In order to solve the problems mentioned above, several proposals are raised as follows: Firstly, the persons in charge of the management have to clearly know the aims of management of teaching research, its characteristics, and the relationship between teaching research and examination research. Secondly, we should reform the system of the management. For the educational administration, its administrative function should be modified and shifted from control to service. The sections in it should be combined and the administrative orders should be simplified. In the respect of the schools domestic administration, the leaders should tend to change their view

  • 【分类号】G637
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】502

