

The Study on the Personal Credit Risk Management of the Commercial Banks in China

【作者】 卢隽

【导师】 岳华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 自从20世纪90年代末以来,我国的个人信贷业务呈现了快速发展的势头。个人消费贷款持续发展,贷款余额不断上升,当前我国的个人信贷业务已进入市场高速成长期。与此同时由于个人信贷业务在我国商业银行属于新兴业务,但对信贷风险的管理却没有现行的模式可以利用,也没有形成完整独立的体系,而是作为商业银行全面风险管理的一个从属部分出现的。而且由于国内银行业相对落后的现实,在我国商业银行个人信贷业务不断发展的现状下,个人信贷风险管理体系不适应当前对于风险进行有效的管理的要求,需要对现存的管理体系进行有效的改进和完善。 本文以当前我国商业银行大力开展个人信贷业务的现状为前提,通过分析商业银行个人信贷业务风险发生的原因,结合国际经验借鉴,以先前个人信贷业务风险管理的理论为基础,结合我国当前商业银行个人信贷业务的现状,归纳和总结当前我国商业银行个人信贷业务风险管理的不足和缺陷,提出相应的改进对策和建议。 本文分为四章。第一章为商业银行个人信贷业务综述,综合的介绍了商业银行个人信贷业务及其风险。其中主要内容为商业银行个人信贷业务的种类和具体分类、商业银行个人信贷业务风险类型、商业银行个人信贷业务风险发生的原因、商业银行个人信贷业务风险的具体特征、分析国外的商业银行对个人信贷业务的风险管理制度,寻求当前我国商业银行可以借鉴的经验和做法五个大的部分。 第二章主要内容是我国商业银行个人信贷业务现状与风险成因,通过分析当前我国商业银行开展个人信贷业务的现状,从而归纳出当前我国的个人信贷的一些独特的风险成因。 第三章是我国商业银行个人信贷风险管理的案例分析,通过介绍几个笔者在日常工作中遇到的,具有一定代表性的案例,分析当前我国商业银行在个人信贷风险管理上的不足和缺陷。 第四章是我国商业银行个人信贷风险管理的有效路径,在前三章分析归纳的基础上,围绕着如何对我国商业银行个人信贷风险进行有效的管理,提出了建立个人信贷风险预警机制、使用个人信用评分系统、完善个人信用体系、健全个人信贷担保与保险机制、规范商业银行内部制度体系和完善法律法规等六点建议。

【Abstract】 Personal Credit Business has been developed very fast in China from 90s 20 century. Up to now the Personal Credit Business Market in China has come into fast development time with the amount and balance of this business increased continue. There is not usable mode to manage the credit risk due to the Personal Credit Business is a new business of the commercial banks in China. And the Personal Credit Risk Management System is a belonged part of the Total Risk Management System not as an individual part. The Personal Credit Risk Management System need an effective improved and consummated to suit the demand of effective credit risk management due to the behindhand management actuality and the fast development business of the commercial banks in China.This article pointed the reason why the Personal Credit Risk happened by analyzed the actuality that the commercial banks in China develop the Personal Credit Business very hard now. This article concluded the disadvantage of the Personal Credit Risk Management of the commercial banks in China after consulting the other countries’ experience and the relatively theories. This article also advised how to improve the Personal Credit Risk Management System of the commercial banks in China based on the business actuality.This article can be divided to four chapters. The first chapter is summarization about the Personal Credit Business of the commercial bank. This chapter introduced the Personal Credit Business and the Personal Credit Risk of the commercial bank. The main contents of the first chapter are firstly the kinds and sorts of the Personal Credit Business, secondly the kinds of the Personal Credit Risk of the commercial bank, thirdly the reason why the Personal Credit Risk happened, fourthly the characters of the Personal Credit Risk, fifthly

  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2434

