

Schema Theory and Teaching English Reading

【作者】 童凯

【导师】 陈茂庆;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界各国之间的交流与合作的增多,英语运用越来越广泛。英语阅读成了增进相互了解,获取更多信息的重要手段。为了提高英语阅读水平,人们有必要用科学的阅读理论——图式理论来指导自己的阅读行为,期望得到更好的效果。 论文的第一章论述阅读理论的三个阶段,其中传统的阅读理论和认知论阶段有较大的局限性,作为第三阶段,图式论强调阅读是作者和读者之间进行的信息互动的过程,克服了前两者的不足。第二章给阅读理论下了定义,并指出阅读过程是一个认知的过程,一个构建的过程和一个互动的过程。第三章对图式理论作了一个概述。根据图式理论,图式可以被分为语言图式、内容图式和形式图式,强调了在阅读过程中激活文化背景知识和利用一些阅读策略和技巧的重要性。从而说明了在阅读过程中运用图式理论的重要性。第四章进一步明确了在阅读过程中运用图式理论的启示和图式理论的使用方法。第五章对图式理论对英语阅读的指导作用进行了实验性研究,从而验证了这一论点。 论文拟待解决的问题有:读者有哪些图式才能对英语阅读有帮助?怎样激活读者中的多种图式?为了提高阅读能力,教师怎样指导学生建立新图式? 总之,在这篇论文中,笔者认真回顾了图式理论,通过实验研究证实了图式理论在英语阅读教学中的指导作用。

【Abstract】 With the increase of the exchange and cooperation between countries in the world, English is being used more and more widely. Reading English has turned very good way of acquiring the information and improving the understanding between one another. For the purpose of improving English level, people have a need to apply schema theory to direct their reading activities.Chapter 1 focuses on three developmental stages of English reading theories, the first two of which are respectively traditional theory and cognitive theory of reading, which both have obvious limitations. As the third stage, schema theory puts more emphasis on the process of the informational interaction between writers and readers, avoiding the side effects caused by the two former theories. In the second chapter, reading comprehension is defined, indicating reading comprehension is a process of cognition, acquisition and informational interaction. Chapter 3 makes a general introduction to schema theory. According to schema theory,schemata can be classified into three categories mainly---languageschemata, content schemata and formal schemata. It has been stressed that readers should activate cultural background schemata and apply some reading skills and strategies while reading. The importance of applying schema theory in reading has been stated clearly. Chapter 4 clarifies the approaches of employing schema theory and the reflection on it. In chapter 5, an experimental research on the direction of schema theory in reading is carefully designed and carried out effectively , ending up with supporting the argument.The thesis involves several questions to be discussed: What are the schemata functioning in English reading? How can readers’ schemata be activated? In order to improve reading ability, how can teachers guide readers to construct new schemata in the course of English teaching?In conclusion, The thesis combines the detailed study on schema theory with an experimental research, illustrating the fact that schema theory plays a directive role in English reading.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2266

