

Diagnose and Recovery Strategy of Service Complaints

【作者】 陈亮

【导师】 何佳讯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界经济, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 民航运输业作为服务业的一个重要组成部分正以两倍于GDP增长的速度在发展。对于一家在此背景下发展起来的航空地面代理企业来说,在业务快速增长的同时也面临着服务失败和客户投诉的考验。本文从服务营销学的投诉管理角度,不仅回顾了当时企业对30个典型服务投诉事件的诊断与对策,而且根据事后客户对于企业服务投诉事件处理的评价和企业内部的重新认识对企业服务投诉处理进行诊断并提出对策。 通过对30个典型服务投诉案例的研究,我们发现:1、对于航空地面代理企业而言,客户投诉的主要原因是核心服务失败。2、相当一部分服务投诉由于被企业归因为客户原因而未得到妥善处理。3、在客户评价企业投诉处理的三个纬度中,分配公平起到决定性因素。4、服务投诉处理反映了一些企业内部的管理问题。 最后,本文从如何认识服务投诉、如何应对服务投诉和如何预防服务投诉三个方面对企业的服务投诉管理提出了改进方案。企业要在全员中树立“从服务投诉中学习”的观念,并把这种观念融入到企业文化建设中去。在应对服务投诉时,要比客户更重视并站在客户立场理解投诉的问题。接受并感谢客户投诉、及时处理客户投诉、解决客户投诉的核心问题、给予客户相当补偿等

【Abstract】 Aviation is one of the most important parts of the service industry, which is developing at twice the speed of GDP. Under this circumstance, a ground handling company can get the unique chance of high increase of the business. But at the same time, the company is also facing the challenge of service failure and clients’ complaints. From the service marketing point of view, we not only review how did the company handle these service complaints but also diagnose the whole process of the handling based on clients’ evaluation and the self-examination of the company.The results show that: The main reason for client’s complaint is the failure of core service; Some of the service complaints have not been handled properly because of the company’s attribution; The justice of distribution is the most important factor which affect the clients’ evaluation on the complaints handling process; The complaints indicate many internal management problems of the company.At the end of the study, we make some suggestions and projects to improve the complaints management. The Company should take the view of "Learn from the complaint" and put it into the construction of its culture. The company should pay more attention and stand from the

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