

A Study on the Recognition of Company Will and Relevant Legal Liabilities

【作者】 王疆中

【导师】 傅长禄;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 经济法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代社会中,公司作为经营主体,聚集了主要的社会资源,公司在现代经济社会生活中发挥着极其重要的作用,成为不可或缺的社会角色。法律赋予公司以法律人格,因此,公司有权利能力和行为能力进行社会活动。然而公司不是一个自然人,是一个由股东投资并集合各种生产要素有机组成的组织体,其意志来源于个人意志,通过一定的方式,转变为公司意志,并需要通过有表达资格的自然人代表公司进行表达。这种表达方式贯穿公司的设立、存续、运转以至解散和清算的整个生存过程。本文作者从公司的定义入手,分析公司作为法人的特征,基于公司的特征,公司意志的形成及表达的特点不同于一般个人,但最终又需要通过自然人代为表达。作为表达人的自然人是否如实表达公司意志,法律实践中,往往产生争议,本文作者对公司意志表达在实践中如何认定,以及公司及公司意志表达者应承担怎样的法律责任进行探讨和分析。

【Abstract】 In modern society, the company, an operating entity, which assembles main social resources, is extremely important in modern economical and social life and becomes an indispensable social role. A company is given legal personality by laws. Therefore, a company has the legal capacity and disposing capacity to conduct social act. However, a company is not a natural person but an organic entity that is invested by shareholders and assembles various elements of production. The will of a company is derived from the will of individual persons, which is then transformed to will of a company by way of a meeting or other agenda of debate and voting procedure and finally expressed by a representative of natural persons with expression ability. The will formation procedure and expression means of a company is involved in the process of establishment, existing, operation and dissolution of a company all along. The author of this article, beginning from the definition of company, analyzes the characteristics of company as a legal entity. Due to this characteristics, the formation and expression characteristics of company will are different from those of natural person, and the expression of the company will relies upon the expression of a natural person. In legal practice, it often results in disputes as to whether this natural person expresses the company will properly. The author study and tries to find out how the company will is recognized in practice and to what extent the company and the expresser of the company will should assume liabilities for the expression of company will.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【下载频次】79

