

【作者】 金强

【导师】 张筱薇;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 1939年,美国犯罪学的创始人之一萨瑟兰首先提出了“白领犯罪”的概念,认为白领犯罪系“有着较高社会地位且受社会尊敬的人在其职业活动中的犯罪行为”。“白领犯罪”遂成为犯罪学的一个专门术语,为学术界广泛接受,并引发越来越多的研究与探讨。我国的“白领犯罪”指的是具有较高的社会地位或者经济地位并掌握一定权力的个人或单位,利用其职务上的便利,以非体力的方式牟取非法利益的犯罪行为。随着我国经济体制改革的深入、对外开放扩大和社会主义市场经济体制的建立与发展,白领犯罪现象日益严重。白领犯罪活动极大地损害了我国的经济运行秩序,恶化了经济环境,造成了社会信用危机。萨瑟兰的差别交往论从一个侧面对犯罪行为的产生、发展提供了科学的解释,白领犯罪行为是在交际过程中与别人相互作用而学会的,可以用来阐明白领犯罪现象形成、蔓延的原因。默顿异常行为理论从功能主义的观点出发,把异常行为看成是社会系统不平衡的产物,同样可以用来解释白领犯罪发生的原因。我国的白领犯罪具有隐蔽性、职务性、智能性和非暴力的特征。白领犯罪因其特点而不易被发现,且由于白领犯罪不像街头暴力犯罪那样有直接的受害人,公众的安全感往往不会因白领犯罪而有所降低,受害意识显然不及街头暴力犯罪那样明显,报案和追究的力度远远不及街头暴力犯罪。而以罚代刑、重罪轻判和法律制裁不力,更导致当前中国白领犯罪的猖獗泛滥。针对中国的白领犯罪,社会首先要确立打防结合、预防为本的思想,并根据犯罪形势发展进一步完善立法,建立起一套严密的防范体系。预防白领犯罪,应该采取多种类、全方位的措施坚决有力地予以整治,从根本上减少和避免白领犯罪的发生。具体而言,防治白领犯罪的对策主要包括加强社会全体公民的法制教育、道德教育和思想教育;研究白领犯罪的影响和促成犯罪的因素,建立优化信息平台,以智能型的防治手段对付智能型的犯罪;在建章立制、严格执行规章制度上下功夫,建立、健全并完善权力运作监督制约机制;加大打击惩治力度,使白领犯罪受到更直接、更有力的刑事制裁。

【Abstract】 In 1939, Edwin Sutherland, one of the founders of criminology in the United States, put forward the concept of“white-collar crime”firstly, defining it as“a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.”Since then,“white-collar crime”has become a terminology widely accepted by the academia in the study of criminology, and it has attracted more and more research and exploration.In China,“white-collar crime”refers to a crime committed by a person or a work unit of high social/economic status and authority in the course of his occupation to acquire illegal benefits. As China’s economic reform goes deeper and its economy becomes more open, and as China’s socialist market system gets established and developed, white-collar crimes also grow rapidly. Such crimes seriously hurt China’s economic order and social credibility and damage China’s economic environment.Sutherland’s differential association theory provides a scientific explanation of the motivation and development of white-collar crimes from one angle. According to his theory, the behavior of white-collar criminals is learned and developed from interpersonal interactions with others, and this explains the source and evolution of such crimes. From the viewpoint of functionalism, Morton’s abnormal behavior theory considers abnormal behavior as a product of unbalanced social system. This theory can also explain the reasons of white-collar crime.White-collar crime in China has the characteristics of being hidden, occupational, intellectual, and non-violent. Because of these characteristics, it is hard to be detected. Unlike street crime, white-collar crime does not have direct victims, and therefore the public will not feel that their safety has decreased because of white-collar crime. Because white-collar crime does not cause as obvious a feeling of being victimized as street crime, white-collar crimes are not pursued as vigorously as street crimes. Another reason for today’s high white-collar crime rate in China is that punishment for such crime is not severe enough.To prevent white-collar crime in China, the society needs to first implement a strategy that combines pursuing current criminals with preventing future occurrence of the crime, and put the emphasis on crime prevention. Furthermore, we need to improve our laws and build a strict system against the crime. To prevent white-collar crime, we should use various tools to reduce the crime from its root. Specifically, the measures should include public law education and moral education, information network establishment, use of high-tech methods in dealing with intellectual criminals, development of more rules and regulations, and enforcing laws more strictly so as to punish white-collar criminals more directly and forcefully.

【关键词】 白领犯罪成因控制对策
【Key words】 white-collar crimereasonscontrolmeasures
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】378

