

Study on Construction Equipments for High-Pressure Jet Grouting Technique

【作者】 王雷

【导师】 罗兴锜; 王明森;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放的进程,水利事业得到了飞速发展,作为除险加固中采用的一项重要技术,高压喷射灌浆技术被越来越广泛的应用,高压喷射灌浆的施工设备作为实施该技术的基础条件,也有了较为系统的研究。 本文在对高喷灌浆技术研究现状分析的基础上,根据我国机械制造水平的现状,对国内外高喷灌浆设备进行系统的归纳整理,完成了高喷灌浆设备的系列化配套,对新型钻孔机具和高压泥浆泵的使用进行了评价。 高喷灌浆技术是利用能量高度集中的水(浆)射流冲切、掺搅地层,并将随之带入的固化剂(通常为水泥浆)与地层里的颗粒混合,形成凝结体,从而达到防渗和加固地基的目的。它分为单介质喷射、双介质喷射、三介质喷射和多介质喷射。三介质高喷灌浆施工设备是由多种机械设备联合组装的成套设备。单介质喷射、双介质喷射灌浆设备与三介质喷射灌浆设备大同小异,多介质喷射灌浆设备国内尚未实际采用。 本文对浆系统采用高压泥浆泵的高喷灌浆设备进行相应的设备配套,以充分利用新型高压泥浆泵的性能,提高高喷灌浆的质量水平;针对现在高喷灌浆的施工参数记录“眼看手记”的现状,进行了高喷灌浆专用设备和自动监测装置的设计;并结合工程应用实例,对高喷灌浆设备在施工中所遇到的问题进行分析并提出相应的解决方法。 本项目的研究,紧密结合自己从事的工作,对高压喷射灌浆设备进行了较系统的研究,对未来高压喷射灌浆设备的改进具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the course of the reform and opening to the outside in our country, the construction of water conservancy is developing rapidly. As an important technique for consolidation and removing hidden dangers, the jet grouting technique is applied widely day by day. And as the foundational condition to implement this technique, a systemic research has been made for the construction equipments.In the paper, on the basis of the present research situation of high pressure jet grouting technique and the level of mechanical manufacture in our country, the author makes a systematic induction from the equipments for high pressure jet grouting at home and abroad, completes sets of equipments for high pressure jet grouting in serial form, and evaluates the usage of modern boring implements and high pressure mud pump.In the jet grouting technique for anti-seepage and foundation consolidation, it is to use water with centralized energy to stir the stratum by jet flow, and mix the grain from the stratum with solidified agency to form a condensation body. It is divided into single-medium jetting, double-medium jetting, triple-medium jetting and multi-medium jetting. The complete sets of construction equipments of triple-medium jetting are fabricated jointly by multi-machines. They are largely identical but with minor differences comparing the equipments of single-medium jetting and double-medium jetting with those of triple-medium jetting. The equipments of multi-medium jetting have not been applied in our country.In the paper, the relevant sets of equipments are completed for high pressure jet grouting, in which the high pressure mud pump is used in the slurry system, to make full use of the characteristics of modern high pressure mud pump and improve the quality of high pressure jet grouting. In view of the existing artificial records of construction parameters of high pressure grouting, the special equipment and automatic monitoring devices are designed for high pressure jet grouting. Combining with the concrete projects, the author analyzes the problems

  • 【分类号】TV53
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200

