

【作者】 苗凤娟

【导师】 孙可平;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球海运业务的急剧增长,由海洋运输工具造成的环境污染日趋严重。因此,研究减少与控制由海洋运输业所带来的污染物排放的方法及技术对我国进一步发展海洋运输业有着相当重要的意义。 本文在查阅大量国内外文献和调查研究的基础上,以对上海港区到港船舶实施岸电技术防治污染的可行性分析为例,通过对上海港靠港船舶产生污染、消耗能源和采用岸电情况进行了实地调查,对比分析了上海港港口使用岸电技术前后的环境、社会效益。通过对比可以得出,在上海市区各岸线港口推广岸电技术,将会基本消除船舶靠港期间烟囱冒黑烟、噪声扰民等环境治理的难题,有重大社会效益和环境效益。这不仅是各港口可持续发展的重要举措,也是把上海港建设成为国际航运中心的必由之路。 文中具体阐述了岸电技术的基本概念、关键技术和具体实施过程,充分论证了采用岸电技术与传统的船舶到港作业方式在污染物排放控制、能源节约、噪声减少以及经济效益和社会效益等方面相比都具有相当大的优势。 在文章最后作者提出了在上海港试点采用岸电技术的实施方案,并指出了以上海港区到港船舶的实施岸电技术为试点继而在全国海运业务中推行岸电技术来防治到港船舶污染的重要意义。 其中关于港区到港船舶岸电技术方案和问题解决措施的论述,以及上海港实施岸电技术可行性和紧迫性的分析对我国海运事业实施岸电技术具有借鉴和指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid increasing of the global marine operation, the environmental pollution caused by ocean transportation has became more and more seriously. Therefore, it is very important to further the development of ocean transportation in our country by the research on methods and technology of decreasing and controlling the pouring of pollution resulting from marine.Based on the review of many references and practice investigation from china to foreign countries and taking the Shanghai harbor for example, we analysis the feasibility that shore power technology is adopted to the ships anchored to prevent pollution and then we compared the environment and social benefits using shore power technology or not by the investigation of pollution and energy consumption when the ships anchored in Shanghai port as well as the usage of shore power technology. As a result we concluded: Promoting shore power technology will resolve the environmental problems due to the anchored ships, will create significant social benefits and environmental benefits and will almost resolve the problems such as black fog、noise and other difficulty to protect our environment.In the article we particularly expatiated the basic conception、 key technology and the process of carrying out this technology . we also elaborated there are many superiorities of adopt shore power technology compared with the traditional

  • 【分类号】U698.7
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】501

