

【作者】 雕钢

【导师】 於世成;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶融资即指航运业中的经济主体融通和筹措船舶投资资金的行为和活动。我国《海商法》对船舶融资缺乏系统的规定,仅对船舶抵押作出了一些原则性的规定。这种不尽如人意的立法现状,无疑对我国航运企业有效的融通资金造成很多不利,也无法为船舶融资的发展提供有力的制度保障。因此,只有深入研究、参考和借鉴国际立法和实践中的经验,并在此基础上完善我国与船舶融资相关的法律制度,才能有效控制船舶融资风险,吸引投资,为船舶融资业和航运业、造船业的发展开辟道路。 船舶融资具有资金需求量大投资回收期长、融资风险高、融资方式多样,决策难度大等特点。船舶融资租赁是指由承租人选定船舶和船舶买主,或者选定造船厂和船舶的建造技术标准等,由出租人(租赁公司)分别与承租人和船舶卖方或者造船厂签订融资租赁合同和船舶买卖合同,出租人将船舶出租给承租人,由承租人支付租金的交易。其类型包括直接融资租赁、回租赁、转租赁、杠杆式租赁及结构式分成租赁。融资租赁对于出租人来说具有较大的风险,其风险主要有船舶经营性风险、利率和汇率风险、违约后执行风险以及新建船舶的风险等。除此之外,船舶融资租赁还存在其他融资租赁所没有的特殊风险包括,优先权风险、留置权风险及油污损害赔偿风险等。针对不同的融资租赁风险,需要采用不同的风险防范措施,主要有船舶保险、信用保险、保证、抵押、质押等手段。 本文根据笔者从事船舶融资租赁的工作实践,通过对融资租赁一系列概念及操作实务的理解,对船舶融资的基本特征、船舶融资方式、作为船舶融资租赁的出租人如何防范融资租赁中出现的船舶融资租赁的风险,提出自己的看法和建议。此外,笔者还对融资租赁在我国的经济和法律环境等进行了研究,希望能借此抛砖引玉,建立和完善有关船舶融资的法律法规,优化船舶融资环境,使我国航运业和造船业有更强的能力去迎接加入WTO后所面临的越来越激烈的竞争和挑战。

【Abstract】 Shipping financing is the action of the ship-owner who raising money to invest into the ship. The Maritime Code of China does not character what the shipping financial leasing is except some principled stipulation to the ship mortgage. The present situation of legislation can not provide the powerful system safeguard for the ships financing development. The only effective way to active control ships financing risk and attract investment is consulting international legislation and practice experience and perfecting our shipping financing related law system.Shipping financing is one kind of great investment and the recycling time is long. The shipping financial leasing means the lessor purchase the ship which had been selected by the lesser. The lesser use that ship and pay the hire to lessor. And at the end of leasing, the lesser will have the property of the ship. There so many risks for lessor such as management risk, interest rate and exchange rate risk, perform risk and new building ship risk. In addition, the risks of maritime lien and oil pollution damage can not be ignored by the lessor.According the working practice in shipping financial leasing, the author describes what the shipping financial leasing is and how to avoid the risks. The author also studies the legal and economic environment of shipping financial leasing in China. The purpose of author why write this article is attracting more regard in shipping financial leasing in China and establishing the legal system as soon as possible which can give powerful support to the development of Chinese shipping industry.

【关键词】 船舶融资租赁风险防范
【Key words】 shipfinancial leasingriskavoid
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1711

