

【作者】 徐毓

【导师】 邬烈炎;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 艺术设计有着多重性质,多元的价值取向,多样的意义。艺术设计也有着最大的包容量,在它的关键词组中总是兼容对立统一的关系,它既是实用的、功能的,又是审美的、形式的;既是经济的、商业的,又是艺术的、人文的:既是批量的、工业的,又是流行的、时尚的。在某种意义上讲,设计是创意、创新、创造的同意语。当设计的这种属性被发挥到极致时,艺术设计作为一种人的思维方式的结果与创造力表达的行为方式,就开始具备了强烈的实验性色彩。同时,艺术设计在探索人们的生活形态与方式,研究未来的需求与可能时,就应运而生了某种虚拟性的、前卫性的、概念性的、未来型的,但又是真正意义上的设计方式;或者当艺术设计中艺术的成分被无限度的夸大,形式要素被极端化的彰显时,设计被作为一场游戏对待,被作为一种趣味化的媒介,被赋予一种戏剧性的效果时,于是就充满了种种实验性的色彩。上述描述就构成了“实验性设计”这一概念出场的内在条件:而20世纪实验性艺术包括实验性建筑、音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、电影的出现,也成为“实验性设计”这一概念成立的重要参照系。对实验性设计的讨论,是源于对设计世界日新月异、五彩缤纷的感悟和体察,是源于那些令人拍案叫绝的天才创造,是源于艺术设计的那些探索、实验及纯粹形式的空间存在。在艺术设计已经成为一个重要的门类、学科、行业的状态中,人们逐渐把兴趣与视角投向“新”与“异”的方面,试图从门类的归纳、语义的解读以及从生成缘由方面把握实验性设计的某些条理性因素时,为从事艺术设计的人们提供某些启迪。人们已对设计中的实验性行为与现象给予关注,关注它们对传统的反叛,对规律的扬弃,对主流的异议,对新事物的渴望和追求。目前,对实验性设计的研究较多的是对某个设计门类的研究,如实验性住宅、未来设计、后现代主义设计等,所见文献大多是剖析具体设计案例,对本文的写作有借鉴意义。然而,也对本文的写作提出了挑战:因为目前尚未有将实验性设计作为一个全面的、系统的问题来进行研究和探讨的文献。本文试图归纳那些杂乱零散的实验性颇强的设计类型,描述实验性设计的面貌;透视实验性设计求新、求异的内部条件与种种特征;揣摩实验性设计的某些因素和特点。本文正是通过对设计的层次解析,尤其是对设计的“类”、“质”、“度”的分析,通过对“实验性艺术”概念的认识与现象的考察,通过对影响实验性设计的设计理念与创意分析的叙述,展开对繁杂与模糊的实验性设计的梳理与描述,将其归纳为八种类型及特征,即具有先锋性激进文本性质的前卫设计,具有原创性变革生成意义的概念设计,具有探索性创意游戏意味的学院设计,具有预测性科幻景观描绘的未来设计,具有哲理性物化演绎方式的观念性设计,具有虚构性幻觉镜像效应的图式设计,具有纯粹性本体语言构成的形式设计,具有荒诞性反讽解读方式的非理性设计等等,并初步分析了各类实验性设计的生成缘由。通过这种实验性设计的描述与分析,试图讨论设计的原创性所体现出的对于开发人类创造能力的意义,讨论实验性设计对于整个艺术设计发展的作用,并用以证明实验性设计的终极价值。

【Abstract】 Artistic design has multiple nature、plural value orientation and diversesignificance. The artistic design also has its broadest containing, which always contains the relationship of unity of opposites in its key phrases. It is not only practical and functional, but also aesthetic and formal. It is not only economical and commercial, but also artistic and humane. It is not only batch and industrial, but also popular and fashionable.In a sense, design is the equivalent of originality, innovation and creation. When the attribute of design is brought into full play, the artistic design, as the result of a variety of people’s thinking mode and the behavior pattern of the expression of creativity, has the intense experimental color. In the same way, when the artistic design is exploring people’s life modality and lifestyle and researching into future demands or possibilities, some virtual, fashionable, conceptual and futuristic design mode in its genuine sense has emerged as the times require. Or when the artistic components of the artistic design are exaggerated unlimitedly, the formal elements are displayed extremely, design is treated as a game and a delightful media, and when it is endowed with one kind of theatrical effect, the artistic design will be filled with all sorts of experimental flavors.The above description constituted the intrinsic conditions under which "the experimental design" emerges. While the 20th experimental art included the emergence of experimental construction, music, drama, dance and movies, which also became the significant reference system of the establishment of the concept of "experimental design". The discussion of the experimental design is derived from the perception, experience and observation of the multicolored and fast-moving design world. It is derived from the unparalleled talented creation. It is also derived from exploration of artistic design, experiment in it and space existence of pure forms. In such a situation where artistic design has become a mature category, subject and industry, people gradually turn their interest and visual angels into "new" and "different". They attempt to grasp some methodical factors of the experimental design from the cause of generation, by summing up the categories and figuring out the semantic meaning, consequently, providing enlightenment for the people who are engaged in the artistic design.At present, People have already paid close attention to experimental behavior and phenomena, which include the rebellion against tradition, the development and discard of the principles, the demurral towards the mainstream, the desire and pursuit of the new things. Most researches into experimental design are mainly involved in the research into a certain design category, like the experimental housing, futuristic design, post-modernism design and so on. The available literature mostly analyzes concrete design cases, which has referenced significance for the writing of this essay. However, it also propose a challenge to the writing of this essay, because up to now there hasn’t any literature which researches and probes into the experimental design as a comprehensive and systematic subject. This essay attempts to sum up the disorderly and scattered design styles which are strongly experimental and describe the style and features of the experimental design; penetrate all sorts of characteristics and the inner conditions under which the experimental design pursues novelty and discrepancy; conjecture some factors and characteristics of the experimental design. This essay analyzes gradations of the design, especially "category", "nature" and "degree" of the design. By the cognition of the concept of "experimental art" and the investigation into the phenomena, by the representation of the design notions which influence the experimental design and the analysis of originality, this essay sorts out and describes the miscellaneous and vague experimental design, then generalizes it into eight categories and characteristics, namely, fashionable design with a radical text nature、conceptual design with an originally transformational production significance、the academic design with an explorative interesting game> the future design with a depiction of predictive landscape of science fiction、notional design with a philosophically transformational deduction significance、the scheme design with an effect of fabricate hallucinatory mirror image、the form design with a pure body language constitution、the irrational design with a fantastic irony analytic mode, and so on. This essay also tentatively analyzes resultant causes of all kinds of experimental designs. This essay, by the description and analysis of experimental design, attempts to discuss the significance for developing human’s creativity which manifests in the originality of the design, as well as the function of experimental design to the overall development of artistic design to prove the ultimate value of the experimental design.

  • 【分类号】J505
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】272

