

The Meanings of the Polya’s Mathematics Education and Thoughts in Mathematics Teaching in the Secondary School

【作者】 姜绍忠

【导师】 吉智方;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 * 中华人民共和国教育部制定《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(试验稿)》 北京师范大学出版社题解决”的能力。 三、借鉴波利亚数学教育思想促进我国中学数学教育改革的过程中要处理好以下几个问题: 1、教学中处理好合情推理与演绎推理的教学的关系。教会学生“数学思考”和培养学生“解决问题”的能力。在以往的数学大纲和教科书中,关于合情推理重视的不够,教学表现为重结论、轻过程。 二、结合教材具体内容进行波利亚式的教学,但不排斥其他数学家的教育思想。波利亚的数学教育思想正是总结自身的数学教育经验和吸收其他数学家的教育思想的产物。 3、教师要结合教材内容渗透波利亚的数学教育思想,以往的教学改革有时不能取得预期的效果往往是排斥其它教育思想和方法造成的。致使教学模式单一化,不能把各种有益的教育思想兼收并蓄。

【Abstract】 The mathematics education reform .when entering 21 centuries, is valued more and more of two mathematics course targets in our country, how to consider and resolve the mathematics problems .Put forward the concrete request of these two course targets clearly and definitely in the nine years in fulltime system in Compulsory Education Mathematics Course Standard ( experiment to make ) of the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Education promulgation .How to realize above two items in knowledge and technical ability teaching of process , is an important research lesson .Polya"s mathematics education thoughts has the consistency with the Mew Course Standard and by studying it .what we can draw lessons from realizing these two goals of education has the very meaning .One. there are some aspects below by studying Polya’s mathematics works and summing up Polya’s mathematics education thoughts :1 Polya thought that "the one of the curricular and main targets in mathematics is a way of thinking that solution to develop the students’ ability ". he clarified the general solve with method in his problem-solved table .2 Polya thought that mathematics science has dual nature — induction and deduction . When teaching students .not only how to prove but also how to suppose .they should get the opportunities to discover things systematically and could think by themselves .Polya put forward the reasonable inference .3 Studying Polya’s works .we know ,he was extensive to inherit and absorb the essence of the education thoughts of other mathematicians .And he combined his own mathematics education research with them .and developed .Two, base on the research result of the others .combination mathematics educates the research with practice .expatiating to make use of a mathematics for the benefit is Polya’s education in the mathematics teaching thoughts of "mathematics considers " and ’’problem solution " of ability to train the students .Three, draw lessons from Polya’s mathematics education thoughts ,we should handle a few problems below well .which promote the process for reforming the mathematics education in the secondary school of our country.1 Handle the mathematics relationship between the reasonable reasoning and deductive reasoning very well in the teaching . Teach students the ability how to think about the mathematics problems .and educate students the ability how to solve the mathematics problems .In former syllabus with textbook . concerning the reasonable reasoning is not enough .we value the conclusion more than the process in teaching2 Join the concrete contents in teaching material with Polya’s style to teach , but do not reject the education thought of the other mathematicians .Polya’s mathematics education thoughts are the results of summing up his own mathematics education experience and absorbing the education thoughts of other mathematicians.3 The teachers should combine the teaching material contents with Polya’s mathematics education thoughts .the former reform in education can’t sometimes obtain the result that expected because they usually rejected other education thoughts and methods, so that .the teaching mode is unitary and cannot take in every kind of beneficial education thought concurrently .

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】688

